Welcome to the Rick and Morty App! This project is a web application built with React.js that offers users a platform to explore information about the characters, episodes, and locations from the popular animated TV series "Rick and Morty
- Character Information: Browse details about various characters from the show, including their names, images, species and status
- Location Information: Discover details about different locations featured in the series.
- Interactive User Interface: Enjoy an interactive and user-friendly interface designed for ease of navigation and exploration.
- Responsive Design: Experience seamless access to the app across a wide range of devices and screen sizes.
To start using the Rick and Morty App, follow these simple steps:
- Clone the Repository: git clone https://github.com/MarwanEsm/Rick-and-Morty-Cards.git
- Navigate to the Project Directory: cd rick-and-morty-app
- Install Dependencies: npm install
- Start the Development Server: npm start
- Open the App in Your Browser: Visit http://localhost:3000 in your web browser to access the app.