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React TypeScript Vite Timer App

Welcome to the React TypeScript Vite Timer App! This project provides a simple interface with two pages centered around a timer functionality. Users can set tasks and durations, and the app will manage and display the timers accordingly. Additionally, the app keeps track of previous timers in the "archive" tab, allowing users to access their history of previous timers.


  • Timer Management: Set tasks and durations to easily manage and track your time.
  • File History: Access previous timers in the "Files" tab for a comprehensive history.

Technologies Used

  • React: The JavaScript library for building efficient and reactive user interfaces.
  • TypeScript: A typed superset for JavaScript that adds static types to the language.
  • Vite: A fast bundler for JavaScript/TypeScript projects that leverages modern development architecture.


  • date-fns: Date utility functions for efficient date manipulations.
  • immer: Facilitates immutable state updates with ease.
  • phosphor-react: Icon library to enhance visual appeal.
  • styled-components: CSS-in-JS library for styling components.
  • zod: A TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library.

Getting Started

To run the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Install dependencies using npm install.
  3. Start the development server with npm run dev.


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