Docker containers setup that can be easily added to your project by using composer.
- Install package:
composer require --dev chirripo/chirripo
- Copy env.example to root:
cp ./vendor/chirripo/chirripo/env.example .env
- Use the package like this:
./vendor/bin/chirripo list
Read the official documentation
You can change any variable defined in .env to make adjustments to the provided setup. You can also create a file named docker-compose.override.yml
in the root of your project to make more advanced customizations.
- In order to setup xdebug, set XDEBUG_ENABLE variable to "enable", then stop & start the containers.
For drush, ssh and compose commands; if you need to forward options to the actual command, you need to use --
- chirripo compose -- logs -f nginx
- chirripo drush -- --version