This project aims to create a backend system for a Surfblog community. The application enables registred users to save favorite posts, like posts and create and their own posts/recommendations. Users can edit their posts, filter on saved and created posts. Users are also able to check the wetaher forecast through a public Open Weather API. Created in collaboration with Emma Engvall as a final project for our Technigo web development bootcamp.
The primary challenge was to design a system capable of securely handling user registration, authentication and managing data related to created posts, saved favourites, liked posts. Also which user liked/saved wich posts. To be able to have the functionality to remove/add from that specific user.
Fetch all posts, not authenticated endpoint User registration and login Authenticated access to user specific data Authenticated access for the user to like, save as favorite, edit and delete posts
- Node.js
- Express
- Mongoose
- MongoDB
- bcrypt
- crypto
GET - Fetch all endpoints
POST - Create a new user. Validation of unique username and email are performed
POST - Authenticate the user
GET - Fetch all posts in the database, no authentication needed POST - Create new post, authenticated endpoint
PATCH - To pull/push the user id for this specic post in the property likedByUser
PATCH - To pull/push the user id for this specic post in the property savedFavByUser
DELETE - To delete the specific post, can be done by the authenticated user that created the post
PATCH - To edit posts, can be done by the authenticated user that created the post
GET - Fetch all posts by the authenticated user
GET - Fetch all posts saved as favourite by the authenticated user