Temple Adventure is an adventure game set in a vast environment with two different missions. In the game, you need to complete various tasks to collect energy and reach the center of the temple.
In the first mission, you need to collect 5 energy spikes scattered around the map. You can press the M key to open the map and see the locations of the energy spikes.
Spike boxes can be opened with the G key, the energy inside can be taken with the F key, and the box can be closed again with the H key.
In the second mission, you need to obtain the energy battery located in the temple at the center of the map. Once you obtain the energy battery, you will have completed the missions and finished the game.
- Game Engine: Unity
- Programming Language: C#
- Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/MahmutB3/Mission-shooter-game.git
- Open the project with Unity.
- Run the game file and start the adventure!