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MTACS committed Apr 2, 2021
1 parent f982a14 commit fea7158
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Showing 25 changed files with 664 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
"DISABLING" = "Disabling";
"DISABLE_APP_LIBRARY" = "Disable App Library";
"STYLE" = "Style";
"OPEN_LIST_MODE" = "Open in List Mode";
"LISTMODE_SUBTITLE" = "Always open to list of apps";
"PODS" = "Pods";
"HIDE_BACKGROUND_BLUR" = "Hide Background Blur";
"HIDE_CATEGORY_NAME" = "Hide Category Name";
"POD_FOLDERS" = "Pod Folders";
"HIDE_APP_LABELS" = "Hide App Labels";
"HIDE_FOLDER_TITLES" = "Hide Folder Titles";
"HIDE_OFFLINE_CLOUD" = "Hide Offline Cloud";
"SEARCH_BAR" = "Search Bar";
"HIDE_SEARCH_BAR_BLUR" = "Hide Search Bar Blur";
"HIDE_MAGNIFYING_GLASS" = "Hide Magnifying Glass";
"HAPTICS" = "Haptics";
"HAPTIC_OPEN" = "Feedback on Open";
"HAPTIC_CLOSE" = "Feedback on Close";
"APP_LIBRARY" = "App Library";

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"TAB_BAR" = "Tab Bar";
"USE_UPDATES_BUTTON" = "Use Updates Button";
"APP_STORE" = "App Store";
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"STYLE" = "Style";
"USE_GRID_STYLE" = "Use Grid Style";
"GRID_STYLE_SUBTITLE" = "Enables a 4x4 layout";
"USE_PAGE_STYLE" = "Use Page Style";
"APP_SUGGESTIONS" = "App Suggestions";
"SUGGGESTION_BANNER" = "Suggestion Banner";
"SUGGESTION_SUBTITLE" = "Hide bottom app suggestion";
"APP_KILLING" = "App Killing";
"PRESS_OR_SWIPE" = "Press or Swipe to kill";
"PRESS_OR_SWIPE_SUBTITLE" = "Kills all running apps";
"USE_CONFIRMATION" = "Use Confirmation";
"USE_CONFIRMATION_SUBTITLE" = "Check before killing apps";
"SELECT_BLACKLISTED_APPS" = "Select Blacklisted Apps";
"NOW_PLAYING" = "Now Playing";
"NOW_PLAYING_APPS" = "Now Playing Apps";
"NOW_PLAYING_APPS_SUBTITLE" = "Prevent Killing of Playing Apps";
"GESTURES" = "Gestures";
"FORCE_TOUCH_GESTURE" = "3D Touch Gesture";
"FORCE_TOUCH_GESTURE_SUBTITLE" = "Disables gesture (non-notched devices)";
"APP_SWITCHER" = "App Switcher";

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"CAMERA_STYLE" = "Camera Style";
"USE_IPAD_STYLE" = "Use iPad Style";
"RECENT_PHOTO_PREVIEW" = "Recent Photo Preview";
"RECENT_PHOTOS" = "Recent Photos";
"RECENT_PHOTOS_SUBTITLE" = "Hide recently taken picture";
"SHUTTER_SOUND" = "Shutter Sound";
"DISABLE_SHUTTER_SOUND" = "Disable Shutter Sound";
"CAMERA" = "Camera";

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"CAMERA_STYLE" = "Camera Style";
"RECENT_PHOTO_PREVIEW" = "Recent Photo Preview";
"RECENT_PHOTOS" = "Recent Photos";
"RECENT_PHOTOS_SUBTITLE" = "Hide recently taken picture";
"SHUTTER_SOUND" = "Shutter Sound";
"DISABLE_SHUTTER_SOUND" = "Disable Shutter Sound";
"CAMERA" = "Camera";
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"AVAILABILITY" = "Availability";
"DISABLE_CC_COMPLETELY" = "Disable CC Completely";
"CONNECTIVITY_MODULE" = "Connectivity Module";
"BLUETOOTH_WIFI" = "Bluetooth & WiFi";
"BLUETOOTH_WIFI_SUBTITLE" = "Actually disable when toggling";
"STATUS_BAR" = "Status Bar";
"CAMERA_MICROPHONE" = "Camera & Microphone";
"CAMERA_MICROPHONE_SUBTITLE" = "Hide recently used apps";
"MODULES" = "Modules";
"USE_ROUNDED_MODULES" = "Use Rounded Modules";
"USE_OUTER_SHADOW" = "Use Outer Shadow";
"SHADOW_COLOR" = "Shadow Color";
"SLIDERS" = "Sliders";
"VOLUME_BRIGHTNESS" = "Volume & Brightness";
"VOLUME_BRIGHTNESS_SUBTITLE" = "Shows current percentage";
"CHEVRON" = "Chevron";
"HIDE_CHEVRON" = "Hide Chevron";
"CONTROL_CENTER" = "Control Center";

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"STATUS_BAR" = "Status Bar";
"USE_NOTCHED_STYLE" = "Use Notched Style";
"SAFARI_ADDRESS_BAR" = "Safari Address Bar";
"SAFARI_ADDRESS_BAR_SUBTITLE" = "Removes URL bar background";
"SCREEN" = "Screen";
"ROUND_SCREEN_CORNERS" = "Round Screen Corners";
"ICON_SCALE" = "Icon Scale";
"USE_CUSTOM_HOMESCREEN_SCALE" = "Use Custom Homescreen Scale";
"USE_CUSTOM_DOCK_SCALE" = "Use Custom Dock Scale";
"USE_CUSTOM_APP_LIBRARY_SCALE" = "Use Custom AppLibrary Scale";
"CONTROL_CENTER" = "Control Center";
"STYLE" = "Style";
"CC_STYLE_SUBTITLE" = "Fit Background to Control Center";
"HOMESCREEN" = "Homescreen";
"HOMESCREEN_ICON_LAYOUT" = "Homescreen Icon Layout";
"HOMESCREEN_ICON_LAYOUT_SUBTITLE" = "Sorts icons alphabetically";
"EXPERIMENTAL" = "Experimental";

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"APP_LIBRARY" = "App Library";
"FORCE_APP_LIBRARY" = "Force App Library";
"APP_LIBRARY_SUBTITLE" = "Enabling 'Force App Library' on iPads is best experienced in portait mode. Visual bugs are expected, and only list view is supported";
"USE_FLAT_URL_BAR" = "Use Flat Address Bar";
"SCREEN" = "Screen";
"ROUND_SCREEN_CORNERS" = "Round Screen Corners";
"ICON_SCALE" = "Icon Scale";
"USE_CUSTOM_HOMESCREEN_SCALE" = "Use Custom Homescreen Scale";
"USE_CUSTOM_DOCK_SCALE" = "Use Custom Dock Scale";
"USE_CUSTOM_APP_LIBRARY_SCALE" = "Use Custom AppLibrary Scale";
"CONTROL_CENTER" = "Control Center";
"STYLE" = "Style";
"CC_STYLE_SUBTITLE" = "Fit Background to Control Center";
"HOMESCREEN" = "Homescreen";
"HOMESCREEN_ICON_LAYOUT" = "Homescreen Icon Layout";
"HOMESCREEN_ICON_LAYOUT_SUBTITLE" = "Sorts icons alphabetically";
"EXPERIMENTAL" = "Experimental";
"RESET_ICON_SCALE" = "Reset Icon Scale";
"ICON_SCALE_SUBTITLE" = "Icon scale ranges from -10 (0%) to +10 (200%)";
"FIT_CONTROL_CENTER" = "Fit Background to Control Center";

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"HOMESCREEN_EDITING" = "Homescreen editing";
"QUICK_SETTINGS" = "Quick Settings";
"QUICK_SETTINGS_SUBTITLE" = "Tap on 'Add Widget' button for more";
"HOMESCREEN" = "Homescreen";
"HS_ROWS_SUBTITLE" = "Default: 6";
"CUSTOM_HOMESCREEN_ROWS" = "Custom Homescreen Rows";
"CUSTOM_HOMESCREEN_COLUMNS" = "Custom Homescreen Columns";
"FOLDERS" = "Folders";
"CUSTOM_FOLDER_ROWS" = "Custom Folder Rows";
"CUSTOM_FOLDER_COLUMNS" = "Custom Folder Columns";
"DOCK" = "Dock";
"CUSTOM_DOCK_ICONS" = "Custom Dock Icons";
"APPLY" = "Apply";
"HOMESCREEN" = "Homescreen";

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
"DEVICE_WARNING" = "Custom Rows & Columns are not available on iPad yet";
"HOMESCREEN" = "Homescreen";
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
"FORCE_TOUCH_OPTIONS" = "3D Touch Options";
"HIDE_REMOVE_STACK" = "Hide 'Remove Stack'";
"HIDE_CONFIGURE_WIDGET" = "Hide 'Configure Widget'";
"HIDE_CONFIGURE_STACK" = "Hide 'Configure Stack'";
"HIDE_EDIT_HOMESCREEN" = "Hide 'Edit Homescreen'";
"HIDE_SHARE_APP" = "Hide 'Share App'";
"HIDE_DELETE_APP" = "Hide 'Delete App'";
"HIDE_PAUSE_DOWNLOAD" = "Hide 'Pause Download'";
"HIDE_CANCEL_DOWNLOAD" = "Hide 'Cancel Download'";
"HIDE_PRIORITIZE_DOWNLOAD" = "Hide 'Prioritize Download'";
"HIDE_SEPARATORS" = "Hide Separators";
"HIDE_ACTION_IMAGES" = "Hide Action Images";
"FORCE_TOUCH_PLATTERS" = "3D Touch Platters";
"SHOW_LOCAL_IP" = "Show Local IP";
"SHOW_BATTERY_PERCENTAGE" = "Show Battery Percentage";
"ADD_CLEAR_BADGES" = "Add 'Clear Badges' Option";
"ADD_RENAME_OPTION" = "Add 'Rename App' Option";
"ICON_LABELS" = "Icon Labels";
"HIDE_LABELS" = "Hide Labels";
"USE_CUSTOM_LABEL_COLOR" = "Use Custom Label Color";
"LABEL_COLOR" = "Label Color";
"USE_AVERAGE_TEXT_COLOR" = "Use Average Text Color";
"USE_AVERAGE_BACKGROUND_COLOR" = "Use Average Background Color";
"DOTS" = "Dots";
"HIDE_UPDATE_DOTS" = "Hide Update Dots";
"HIDE_BETA_DOTS" = "Hide Beta Dots";
"BADGES" = "Badges";
"USE_AVERAGE_COLOR" = "Use Average Color";
"HIDE_BADGES" = "Hide Badges";
"HIDE_BADGE_TEXT" = "Hide Badge Text";
"LAYOUT" = "Layout";
"HOMESCREEN" = "Homescreen";
"TRANSPARENCY" = "Transparency";
"USE_CUSTOM_TRANSPARENCY" = "Use Custom Transparency";
"SHADOWS" = "Shadows";
"ADD_OUTER_SHADOW" = "Add Outer Shadow";
"OUTER_SHADOW_SUBTITLE" = "May affect SpringBoard performance";
"SHADOW_COLOR" = "Shadow Color";
"ICONS" = "Icons";

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
"MAGSAFE" = "MagSafe";
"NATIVE_ANIMATION" = "Native Animation";
"MAGSAFE_SUBTITLE" = "Show MagSafe ring when charging";
"CLOCK" = "Clock";
"HIDE_TIME_LABEL" = "Hide Time Label";
"TIME_LABEL_PLACEHOLDER" = "Time Label Alpha: 1.0";
"HIDE_DATE_LABEL" = "Hide Date Label";
"DATE_LABEL_PLACEHOLDER" = "Date Label Alpha: 1.0";
"LEFT" = "Left";
"CENTER" = "Center";
"RIGHT" = "Right";
"CLOCK_FONT" = "Clock Font";
"CLOCK_WEIGHT" = "Use Custom Clock Weight";
"CLOCK_PLACEHOLDER" = "Default: 80";
"DEFAULT" = "Default";
"ITALIC" = "Italic";
"BOLD" = "Bold";
"MEDIUM" = "Medium";
"USE_CUSTOM_CLOCK_FONT" = "Use Custom Clock Font";
"CHOOSE_CUSTOM_FONT" = "Choose Custom Font";
"GRABBER" = "Grabber";
"CC_GRABBER" = "CC Grabber";
"CC_GRABBER_SUBTITLE" = "Hide line in right corner";
"CHARGING_VIEW" = "Charging View";
"BATTERY_VIEW" = "Battery View";
"BATTERY_SUBTITLE" = "Hide battery popup when charging";
"STYLE" = "Style";
"ALWAYS_DND" = "Always use DND dark style";
"UNLOCK_TEXT" = "Unlock Text";
"HIDE_SWIPE_PRESS" = "Hide 'Swipe Up' or 'Press To Unlock'";
"USE_CUSTOM_TEXT" = "Use Custom Text";
"SHOW_IMMEDIATELY" = "Show Immediately";
"UNLOCK_SUBTITLE" = "Always display unlock text";
"HIDING" = "Hiding";
"HIDE_PAGE_DOTS" = "Hide Page Dots";
"PAGE_DOT_SUBTITLE" = "Useful on non-notched devices";
"DO_NOT_DISTURB" = "Do Not Disturb";
"HIDE_BANNER" = "Banner";
"HIDE_BANNER_SUBTITLE" = "Hides DND banner on Lockscreen";
"NOTIFICATION_LIST" = "Notification List";
"PULL_TO_CLEAR" = "Pull To Clear";
"USE_MODERN_ICONS" = "Use Modern Icons";
"ICON_SIZE_SUBTITLE" = "Increase icon size and add shadows";
"HIDE_SWIPE_SEPARATORS" = "Hide Swipe Separators";
"SWIPE_SEPARATORS_SUBTITLE" = "Hide vertical lines between buttons";
"USE_SMOOTH_SWIPING" = "Use Smooth Swiping";
"NOTIFICATIONS_LIST_WARNING" = "Positive values move notifications down, negative values move notifications up. Default is 0";
"NOTIFICATIONS_AND_BANNERS" = "Notifications & Banners";
"OUTER_SHADOW" = "Outer Shadow";
"SHADOW_SUBTITLE" = "Adds border shadow to notification cells";
"SHADOW_COLOR" = "Shadow Color";
"FACE_ID" = "Face ID";
"LOCK_ICON" = "Lock Icon";
"LOCK_ICON_SUBTITLE" = "Hide padlock on Lockscreen";
"PASSCODE_AUTHORIZATION" = "Passcode & Authentication View";
"HIDE_CANCEL_BUTTON" = "Hide Cancel Button";
"HIDE_EMERGENCY_BUTTON" = "Hide Emergency Button";
"HIDE_BACKSPACE_BUTTON" = "Hide Backspace Button";
"HIDE_NUMBER_BUTTON_BACKGROUND" = "Hide Number Button Background";
"USE_HAPTIC_FEEDBACK" = "Use Haptic Feedback";
"HIDE_ENTER_PASSCODE" = "Hide Enter Passcode Text";
"USE_CUSTOM_PASSCODE_TEXT" = "Use Custom Passcode Text";
"QUICK_ACTION_BUTTONS" = "Quick Action Buttons";
"HIDE_BUTTON_IMAGES" = "Hide Button Images";
"HIDE_BOTH" = "Hide Both";
"HIDE_FLASHLIGHT_BUTTON" = "Hide Flashlight Button";
"HIDE_CAMERA_BUTTON" = "Hide Camera Button";
"HIDE_BUTTON_BACKGROUND" = "Hide Button Background";
"CAMERA" = "Camera";
"DISABLE_CAMERA_SWIPE" = "Disable Camera Swipe";
"FORCE_ENABLE_CAMERA" = "Force Enable Camera";
"FORCE_ENABLE_CAMERA_SUBTITLE" = "Works best with swipe disabled";
"MUSIC_PLAYER" = "Music Player";
"HIDE_ON_LOCKSCREEN" = "Hide on Lockscreen";
"DEFAULT" = "Default";
"SIMPLE" = "Simple";
"HIDE_VOLUME_SLIDER" = "Hide Volume Slider";
"HIDE_PROGRESS_VIEW" = "Hide Progress View";
"HIDE_MEDIA_CONTROLS" = "Hide Media Controls";
"HIDE_AUDIO_SOURCE_BUTTON" = "Hide Audio Source Button";
"HIDE_NOW_PLAYING_APP_ICON" = "Hide Now Playing App Icon";
"OLDER_NOTIFICATIONS" = "Older Notifications";
"HIDE_NO_NOTIFICATIONS" = "Hide 'No Older Notifications'";
"NOTIFICATION_CENTER_TEXT" = "Notification Center Text";
"USE_NUMBER_OF_NOTIFICATIONS" = "Use Number of Notifications";
"UNLOCK_ANIMATION" = " Unlock Animation";
"DISABLE_ICON_ANIMATION" = "Disable Fly In Animation";
"LOCKSCREEN" = "Lockscreen";

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"PINNED_CONVERSATIONS" = "Pinned Conversations";
"HIDE_CONTACT_IMAGE_GLOW" = "Hide Contact Image Glow";
"USE_CUSTOM_BUBBLE_COLOR" = "Use Custom Bubble Color";
"USE_CUSTOM_LABEL_COLOR" = "Use Custom Label Color";
"LABEL_COLOR" = "Label Color";
"CONVERSATIONS" = "Conversations";
"HIDE_SEPARATORS" = "Hide Separators";
"OTHER_TWEAKS" = "Other Tweaks";
"MESSAGES" = "Messages";

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"SUPPORT" = "Support";
"JOIN_DISCORD" = "Join Lynx 2 Discord";
"REPORT_BUG" = "Report a Bug";
"REQUEST_FEATURE" = "Request a Feature";
"TROUBLESHOOTING" = "Troubleshooting";
"RESET_WARNING" = "Are you sure you want to reset settings?";
"RESET_SETTINGS" = "Reset Settings";
"MORE_TWEAKS" = "More Tweaks";
"MORE" = "More";

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
"UP_NEXT_POPUP" = "'Up Next' Popup";
"HIDE_QUEUE_POPUP" = "Hide Queue Popup";
"RECENTLY_ADDED" = "Recently Added";
"SHOW_ALL_SONGS" = "Show All Songs";
"MUSIC_LIBRARY_LAYOUT" = "Music Library Layout";
"THREE_COLUMNS" = "Use 3 Column Layout";
"MUSIC" = "Music";

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"DIALER_BUTTONS" = "Dialer Buttons";
"HIDE_NUMBER_BUTTON_BACKGROUND" = "Hide Number Button Background";
"CALLS" = "Calls";
"SHOW_EXACT_TIME" = "Show Exact Time";
"HIDE_THIRD_PARTY_CALLS" = "Hide Third Party Calls";
"TAB_BAR" = "Tab Bar";
"HIDE_VOICEMAIL_TAB" = "Hide Voicemail Tab";
"CALL_BUTTON" = "Call Button";
"HIDE_BACKGROUND" = "Hide Background";
"USE_CUSTOM_CALL_BUTTON_COLOR" = "Use Custom Call Button Color";
"TINT_COLOR" = "Tint Color";
"PHONE" = "Phone";

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"PHOTOS" = "Photos";
"SKIP_DELETION_CONFIRMATION" = "Skip Deletion Confirmation";
"USE_INFINITE_ZOOM" = "Use Infinite Zoom";
"SHOW_IMAGE_METADATA" = "Show Image Metadata";
"SHOW_IMAGE_METADATA_SUBTITLE" = "Show size, date & dimensions";

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
"SYSTEM_WIDE" = "System Wide";
"LOCKSCREEN" = "Lockscreen";
"APP_LIBRARY" = "App Library";
"STATUS_BAR" = "Status Bar";
"WIDGETS" = "Widgets";
"ICONS" = "Icons";
"APP_SWITCHER" = "App Switcher";
"CONTROL_CENTER" = "Control Center";
"SETTINGS" = "Settings";
"MUSIC" = "Music";
"APP_STORE" = "App Store";
"CAMERA" = "Camera";
"PHONE" = "Phone";
"PHOTOS" = "Photos";
"MESSAGES" = "Messages";
"THIRD_PARTY_APPS" = "Third Party Apps";
"EXPERIMENTAL" = "Experimental";
"MORE" = "More";

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