This quick demo shows how to host an API using Azure Container Apps. The API invokes Dapr actors hosted on sidecar container. Both the API and Actors runtime are scaled based on number of concurrent HTTP requests
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(optional) Create a Container Apps Environment if no one exists:
Create GitHub secret for
- "CA_ENV": Container Apps Environment name
- "CA_RG": Azure Resource Group for Container Apps Environment
- "REGISTRY_USERNAME": Docker Hub username
- "REGISTRY_PASSWORD": Docker Hub password
- "AZURE_CREDENTIALS": JSON string returned by 'az ad sp create-for-rbac' command. As an enhancement, it's recommended to replace this method in GitHub workflow with Workload Identity Federation:
Make a change like adding a comment to a solution file. This will trigger an application deployment through a GitHub workflow. The GitHub workflow uses a bicep template to deploy the Container App as well as a Cosmos DB account for saving actors' state
- Using Postman or an HTTP client make an HTTP POST request to https://(container-app-url)/weatherforecast using this payload:
"date": "2021-07-16T19:04:05.7257911-06:00",
"temperatureC": 45,
"temperatureF": 125,
"summary": "Mild",
"city": "cairo"
- Using a browser or an HTTP client make an HTTP Get request to https://(container-app-url)/weatherforecast/cairo. This will return number of data points and highest temperature recorded for this city. Try submitting more POST requests to this city and other cities.
Note: Every city here is represented as a Virtual Actor.