Dev material for the Music Thing Workshop Computer
Music Thing Workshop System Homepage
Further discussion in the Discord - invite in the documentation below.
At the moment, this Google doc is the most up-to-date shortform documentation for pinouts and hardware details
Starter code in various platforms - Arduino, Pico SDK, CircuitPython, Micropython
Working and work-in-progress code for many program cards.
My suggestion for the first 100 projects is that people grab numbers & folders in the 'releases' folder - by sending pull requests - then share whatever they're comfortable sharing - uf2, source, just documentation, or just a link to your own repo/web/gists, whatever works best. I don't have much experience of this kind of collective development, so would be delighted if better approach emerges.
Release documentation: I've been making little leaflets for each card, designed in Google Sheets, but you might experiment with other types of documentation