We are dedicated to provide researchers a uniform verification environment of image anomaly detection with standard settings and methods. At the same time, everyone is warmly invited to add their algorithms and new features into IM-IAD. Finally, we appreciate all the contributors who maintain this community.
The project is being continuously updated. If any issues are found, please contact us promptly.
[Main Page] [Survey] [Benchmark] [Result]
pytorch 1.10.1 or 1.8.1
conda activate open-iad
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# example
pip install scikit-image
pip instll scikit-learn
pip install opencv-python
├── arch # model base class
├── augmentation # data augmentation
├── checkpoints # pretrained or requirements
├── configuration
│ ├── 1_model_base # highest priority
│ ├── 2_train_base # middle priority
│ ├── 3_dataset_base # lowest priority
│ ├── config.py # for main.py
│ ├── device.py # for device
│ └── registeration.py # register new model, dataset, server
├── data_io # loading data interface
├── dataset # dataset interface
├── loss_function
├── metric
├── models # basic layers for model class in arch_base
├── optimizer
├── paradigms # learning paradigms
│ ├── centralized
│ │ ├── c2d.py # 2D
│ │ ├── c3d.py # 3D
│ └── federated
│ └── f2d.py # 2D
├── tools
├── work_dir # save results
├── main.py # run start, with configuration/config.py
└── requirements.txt
2D: mvtec2d, mpdd, mvtecloco, mtd, btad, mvtec2df3d, coad
3D: mvtec3d
The dataset's structure can be organized as follows (i.e., mvtec2d).
├── bottle
│ ├── ground_truth
│ │ ├── broken_large
│ │ │ ├── 000_mask.png
│ │ │ ├── 001_mask.png
│ │ │ ├── ...
│ ├── test
│ │ ├── broken_large
│ │ │ ├── 000.png
│ │ │ ├── 001.png
│ │ │ ├── ...
│ │ └── good
│ │ ├── 000.png
│ │ ├── 001.png
│ │ ├── ...
│ └── train
│ └── good
│ ├── 000.png
│ ├── 001.png
│ ├── ...
├── cable
├── screw
└── ...
Prototypes | Marker | Train | Test | |
centralized 2d | -p c2d | |||
vanilla | -v | all data (id=0) | all data (id=0) | |
semi | -s | all data (id=0) + anomaly data (id=0) | all data (id=0) - anomaly data (id=0) | |
fewshot | -f | fewshot (id=0) | all data (id=0) | |
continual | -c | all data (id=0 and 1) | all data (id=0 or 1) | |
noisy | -z | all data (id=0) + noisy data (id=0) | all data (id=0) - noisy data (id=0) | |
transfer | -t | step 1: all data (id=0) | all data (id=0) | |
step 2: fewshot data (id=1) | all data (id=1) | |||
centralized 3d | -p c3d | To be updated! | ||
federated 2d | -p f2d | To be updated! |
No. | Method / -m | Net / -n | Paper Title |
1 | cfa | net_cfa | CFA: Coupled-hypersphere-based feature adaptation for target-oriented anomaly localization |
2 | csflow | net_csflow | Fully convolutional cross-scale-flows for image-based defect detection |
3 | cutpaste | vit_b_16 | Cutpaste: self-supervised learning for anomaly detection and localization |
4 | devnet | net_devnet | Explainable deep few-shot anomaly detection with deviation networks |
5 | dne | vit_b_16 | Towards continual adaptation in industrial anomaly detection |
6 | dra | net_dra | Catching both gray and black swans: open-set supervised anomaly detection |
7 | fastflow | net_fastflow | Fastflow: unsupervised anomaly detection and localization via 2d normalizing flows |
8 | favae | net_favae | Anomaly localization by modeling perceptual features |
9 | igd | net_igd | Deep one-class classification via interpolated gaussian descriptor |
10 | padim | resnet18, wide_resnet50 | Padim: a patch distribution modeling framework for anomaly detection and localization |
11 | patchcore | resnet18, wide_resnet50 | Towards total recall in industrial anomaly detection |
12 | reverse | net_reverse | Anomaly detection via reverse distillation from one-class embedding |
13 | simplenet | wide_resnet50 | SimpleNet: a simple network for image anomaly detection and localization |
14 | softpatch | resnet18, wide_resnet50 | SoftPatch: unsupervised anomaly detection with noisy data |
15 | spade | resnet18, wide_resnet50 | Sub-image anomaly detection with deep pyramid correspondences |
16 | stpm | resnet18, wide_resnet50 | Student-teacher feature pyramid matching for anomaly detection |
Vanilla / -v
python3 main.py -v -m cfa -n net_cfa -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -v -m csflow -n net_csflow -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -v -m cutpaste -n vit_b_16 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -v -m fastflow -n net_fastflow -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -v -m favae -n net_favae -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
# python3 main.py -v -m graphcore -n vig_ti_224_gelu -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -sp 0.001 -g 1
python3 main.py -v -m igd -n net_igd -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -v -m padim -n resnet18 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -v -m cutpaste -n vit_b_16 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -v -m patchcore -n wide_resnet50 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -sp 0.001 -g 1
python3 main.py -v -m reverse -n net_reverse -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -v -m simplenet -n wide_resnet50 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -v -m spade -n resnet18 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -v -m stpm -n resnet18 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
Semi / -s
python3 main.py -s -m devnet -n net_devnet -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -s -m dra -n net_dra -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
Fewshot / -f
python3 main.py -f -fe 1 -m patchcore -n wide_resnet50 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -sp 0.1 -g 1 -fda -fnd 4 -fat rotation
python3 main.py -f -fe 1 -m _patchcore -n wide_resnet50 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -sp 1 -fda -fnd 4 -g 1
python3 main.py -f -fe 1 -m csflow -n net_csflow -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -f -fe 1 -m cfa -n net_cfa -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -f -fe 1 -m fastflow -n net_fastflow -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -f -fe 1 -m cutpaste -n vit_b_16 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -f -fe 1 -m padim -n resnet18 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -f -fe 1 -m favae -n net_favae -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -f -fe 1 -m cutpaste -n vit_b_16 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -f -fe 1 -m igd -n net_igd -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -f -fe 1 -m reverse -n net_reverse -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -f -fe 1 -m spade -n resnet18 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -f -fe 1 -m stpm -n resnet18 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -f -fe 1 -m simplenet -n wide_resnet50 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
Continual / -c
python3 main.py -c -m patchcore -n wide_resnet50 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 1 -vid 0 1 -sp 0.001 -g 1
python3 main.py -c -m csflow -n net_csflow -d mvtec2d -tid 0 1 -vid 0 1 -g 1
python3 main.py -c -m cfa -n net_cfa -d mvtec2d -tid 0 1 -vid 0 1 -g 1
python3 main.py -c -m fastflow -n net_fastflow -d mvtec2d -tid 0 1 -vid 0 1 -g 1
python3 main.py -c -m cutpaste -n vit_b_16 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 1 -vid 0 1 -g 1
python3 main.py -c -m padim -n resnet18 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 1 -vid 0 1 -g 1
python3 main.py -c -m favae -n net_favae -d mvtec2d -tid 0 1 -vid 0 1 -g 1
python3 main.py -c -m cutpaste -n vit_b_16 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 1 -vid 0 1 -g 1
python3 main.py -c -m igd -n net_igd -d mvtec2d -tid 0 1 -vid 0 1 -g 1
python3 main.py -c -m reverse -n net_reverse -d mvtec2d -tid 0 1 -vid 0 1 -g 1
python3 main.py -c -m spade -n resnet18 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 1 -vid 0 1 -g 1
python3 main.py -c -m stpm -n resnet18 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 1 -vid 0 1 -g 1
python3 main.py -c -m dne -n vit_b_16 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 1 -vid 0 1 -g 1
python3 main.py -c -m simplenet -n wide_resnet50 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 1 -vid 0 1 -g 1
Noisy / -z
python3 main.py -z -nr 0.1 -no -m softpatch -n wide_resnet50 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -sp 0.001 -g 1
python3 main.py -z -nr 0.1 -no -m patchcore -n wide_resnet50 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -sp 0.001 -g 1
python3 main.py -z -nr 0.1 -no -m csflow -n net_csflow -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -z -nr 0.1 -no -m cfa -n net_cfa -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -z -nr 0.1 -no -m fastflow -n net_fastflow -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -z -nr 0.1 -no -m cutpaste -n vit_b_16 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -z -nr 0.1 -no -m padim -n resnet18 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -z -nr 0.1 -no -m favae -n net_favae -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -z -nr 0.1 -no -m cutpaste -n vit_b_16 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -z -nr 0.1 -no -m reverse -n net_reverse -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -z -nr 0.1 -no -m spade -n resnet18 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -z -nr 0.1 -no -m stpm -n resnet18 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -z -nr 0.1 -no -m igd -n net_igd -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
python3 main.py -z -nr 0.1 -no -m simplenet -n wide_resnet50 -d mvtec2d -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1
Transfer / -t
python3 main.py -t -ttn 8 -m reverse -n net_reverse -d coad -tid 0 -vid 1 -g 1 -ne 10
python3 main.py -t -ttn 8 -m cfa -n net_cfa -d coad -tid 0 -vid 1 -g 1 -ne 10
python3 main.py -t -ttn 8 -m csflow -n net_csflow -d coad -tid 0 -vid 1 -g 1 -ne 10
python3 main.py -t -ttn 8 -m fastflow -n net_fastflow -d coad -tid 0 -vid 1 -g 1 -ne 10
python3 main.py -t -ttn 8 -m favae -n net_favae -d coad -tid 0 -vid 1 -g 1 -ne 10
python3 main.py -t -ttn 8 -m padim -n resnet18 -d coad -tid 0 -vid 1 -g 1
python3 main.py -t -ttn 8 -m patchcore -n wide_resnet50 -d coad -tid 0 -vid 1 -g 1
python3 main.py -t -ttn 8 -m stpm -n resnet18 -d coad -tid 0 -vid 1 -g 1
python3 main.py -t -ttn 8 -m simplenet -n wide_resnet50 -d coad -tid 0 -vid 1 -g 1
You can easily run this code on google colab by just clicking this badge
do not change anything on the inpyb file when opening on the google colab every thing is working well.
just you need to change option 6 for downloading the dataset you are interested in and it's in project dataset folder like mvtec2d dataset i have used.
and you need to cutomize your own command to run the project in step 7.
notice that run the notbook with the GPU.
How to implement your own methods or datasets, i.e, integrating new methods into the open-iad project?
Please refer to the following steps:
- Register your NEW METHOD (e.g., MODEL, NET, DATASET, SETTING, SERVER) in configuration/registration.py
- Add names of MODEL, NET, DATASET, SETTING into configuration/config.py
- Implement MODEL in arch/_example.py and models/_example/net_example.py
- Put MODEL configuration in configuration/1_model_base/_example.yaml
- Implement DATASET in dataset/_example.py
- Put DATASET configuration in configuration/3_dataset_base/_example.yaml
- Implement NEW SETTING in data_io/data_holder.py
- If provide NEW SETTING, update OUTPUT path of results in tools/record_helper.py
- Add NEW METHOD description in README.md
- Shell command, "python3 main.py -v -m _example -n net_example -d _example -tid 0 -vid 0 -g 1"