🔥🔥🔥 Contributions to our repository are welcome. Feel free to categorize the papers.
- Cutpaste: Self-supervised learning for anomaly detection and localization [CVPR 2021][unofficial code]
- Self-supervised learning for anomaly detection with dynamic local augmentation [IEEE Access 2021]
- A Study on Data Augmentation Techniques for Visual Defect Detection in Manufacturing [BUAV 2021]
- Anomaly Detection of GAN Industrial Image Based on Attention Feature Fusion [Sensors 2022]
- Self-Supervised Learning for Industrial Image Anomaly Detection by Simulating Anomalous Samples [IJCIS 2023]
- REB: Reducing Biases in Representation for Industrial Anomaly Detection [KBS 2023][code]
- Natural Synthetic Anomalies for Self-supervised Anomaly Detection and Localization (NSA) [ECCV 2022][code]
- Draem-a discriminatively trained reconstruction embedding for surface anomaly detection [ICCV 2021][code]
- MemSeg: A semi-supervised method for image surface defect detection using differences and commonalities [EAAI 2023][unofficial code]
- DeSTSeg: Segmentation Guided Denoising Student-Teacher for Anomaly Detection [CVPR 2023][code]
- Superpixel masking and inpainting for self-supervised anomaly detection (SMAI) [BMVC 2020]
- Reconstruction by inpainting for visual anomaly detection (RIAD) [PR 2021]
- Iterative image inpainting with structural similarity mask for anomaly detection (I3AD) [2021]
- Inpainting transformer for anomaly detection (InTra) [ICIAP 2022]
- Cutout as augmentation in contrastive learning for detecting burn marks in plastic granules [JSSS 2024]
- AMI-Net: Adaptive Mask Inpainting Network for Industrial Anomaly Detection and Localization [TASE 2024]
- Manifolds for unsupervised visual anomaly detection [2020]
- Anomaly Detection using Score-based Perturbation Resilience [ICCV 2023]
- Progressive Boundary Guided Anomaly Synthesis for Industrial Anomaly Detection [TCSVT 2024][code]
- A Unified Anomaly Synthesis Strategy with Gradient Ascent for Industrial Anomaly Detection and Localization (GLASS) [ECCV 2024][code]
- DSR: A dual subspace re-projection network for surface anomaly detection [ECCV 2022][code]
- A Unified Model for Multi-class Anomaly Detection (UniAD) [NeurIPS 2022] [code]
- SimpleNet: A Simple Network for Image Anomaly Detection and Localization [CVPR 2023][code]
- GLAD: Towards Better Reconstruction with Global and Local Adaptive Diffusion Models for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection [ECCV 2024][code]
- SuperSimpleNet: Unifying Unsupervised and Supervised Learning for Fast and Reliable Surface Defect Detection [ICPR 2024][code]
- Multistage GAN for fabric defect detection [TIP 2019]
- A new contrastive GAN with data augmentation for surface defect recognition under limited data (Con-GAN) [TIM 2022]
- Few-shot defect image generation via defect-aware feature manipulation (DFMGAN) [AAAI 2023][code]
- FEGAN: A Feature Extraction Based Approach For GAN Anomaly Detection And Localization (FEGAN) [IEEE Access 2024]
- Defect Spectrum: A Granular Look of Large-Scale Defect Datasets with Rich Semantics [ECCV 2024][data]
- Defect image sample generation with GAN for improving defect recognition [TASE 2020]
- Defect-GAN: High-fidelity defect synthesis for automated defect inspection [WACV 2021]
- A new cycle-consistent adversarial networks with attention mechanism for surface defect classification with small samples (AttenCGAN) [TII 2022]
- Mask-guided generation method for industrial defect images with non-uniform structures [Machines 2022]
- Diversified and Multi-Class Controllable Industrial Defect Synthesis for Data Augmentation and Transfer [CVPRW 2023]
- RealNet: A Feature Selection Network with Realistic Synthetic Anomaly for Anomaly Detection [CVPR 2024][code]
- CAGEN: Controllable Anomaly Generator using Diffusion Model [ICASSP 2024]
- CUT: A Controllable, Universal, and Training-Free Visual Anomaly Generation Framework [2024]
- AnomalyXFusion: Multi-modal Anomaly Synthesis with Diffusion [2024][code]
- AnomalyControl: Learning Cross-modal Semantic Features for Controllable Anomaly Synthesis [2024]
- SeaS: Few-shot Industrial Anomaly Image Generation with Separation and Sharing Fine-tuning [2024]
- AnomalyDiffusion: Few-Shot Anomaly Image Generation with Diffusion Model [AAAI 2024][code]
- Few-shot defect image generation based on consistency modeling [ECCV 2024]
- DualAnoDiff: Dual-Interrelated Diffusion Model for Few-Shot Anomaly Image Generation [2024][code]
- A Novel Approach to Industrial Defect Generation through Blended Latent Diffusion Model with Online Adaptation [2024][code]