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Pelican Development Environment Setup

Pelican development setup instructions.


  • Ubuntu Linux (preferably latest LTS of 22.04)
    • Any Linux OS will work, and even macOS with installing dependencies from brew
    • If running on Windows, use a Linux VM or WSL to perform the dev environment setup
  • Docker

Pelican Panel

Installing PHP and Composer

Run the following in your terminal to install a PPA for updated PHP, as the current Ubuntu repositories do not have updated PHP. This will also install all the required dependencies for PHP to work properly.

LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/php
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install php8.3 php8.3-{common,cli,gd,mysql,mbstring,bcmath,xml,fpm,curl,zip,intl} tar unzip git -y

Once PHP is installed, install Composer.

curl -sS | sudo php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer

Installing Node.js 20 (or higher) and yarn

Pelican requires Node.js 20 at a minimum to operate. To install, use the following PPA to get an updated version of Node.js due to the Ubuntu repositories not having updated Node.js.

curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Install yarn.

npm i --global yarn

Clone repository

Clone the pelican-dev/panel repository.

git clone

Install Sail

Sail is a quick way to spin up a PHP/Laravel/NPM project on the fly in a Docker container, install Sail while using Composer.

composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
composer require laravel/sail --dev

To setup Sail with Artisan, run the Sail installer. This will build out Docker infrastructure on your device.

php artisan sail:install


This will take a bit of time, this is going to run some Docker installations for your environment

It will prompt what services you want to install, just select MySQL as that is what currently will be the quickest to setup without hassle.

To start Sail, the startup command.

./vendor/bin/sail up -d


Make sure you do not have nginx/MySQL/MariaDB running or any other services taking up ports 80 or 3306, disable them with systemctl or completely uninstall them. Otherwise the Sail instance will not start.

This starts Sail in a daemon mode, where it will not force output of the Docker containers.

If you want to have the output of Sail in your terminal, remove the -d in your command.

If you want to launch a shell inside the Pelican container while in daemon mode, you can enter either shell mode or root shell mode.

# For regular shell access
./vendor/bin/sail shell
# For root shell access
./vendor/bin/sail root-shell


It is recommended to have an alias for Sail as its quite cumbersome to use in a terminal.

Add alias sail='sh $([ -f sail ] && echo sail || echo vendor/bin/sail)' to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc

Copy (or make your own) .env file

To start the application, either:

  • Copy the .env.example file into the current Git repository of the panel you just cloned, or
  • Make your own with a custom app key


Without the APP_KEY being set, the webserver will always return a 500 Server Error, setting this fixes it.

Setup your Pelican environment

To setup Pelican eggs, you need to migrate them with Artisan.

sail artisan migrate

This will prompt if you want to run the command while in production. Select "yes" to continue.

To run through the final setups of setup, perform your setup process normally.

sail artisan p:environment:setup
sail artisan p:environment:database

To create a user, the Artisan command through Sail.

sail p:user:make

Shutdown Sail for preparation to building out Node.js assets.

sail down

To build the Node.js aspects of the project, install the dependencies with yarn and build the application.

yarn install --frozen-lockfile
yarn build:production

Start up Sail again either in a daemon mode or with direct output.

sail up

Visit the page where you have your environment running. This will run on port 80 by default.


Make sure you do not have nginx running or any other services, disable them with systemctl or completely uninstall them. Otherwise the Sail instance will not start.

Log in with your created user account.

Pelican Wings Daemon


Has not been fully tested, however since Pelican's version of Wings is a fork of Pterodactyl, it is safe to assume it is a carbon copy for installing and setup.

Follow the Pterodactyl install guide for the wings daemon normally.

First, clone the pelican-dev/wings repository.

git clone

And then run through the traditional steps to run and setup Wings without a SSL certificate.


Pelican development setup instructions






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