Current hardware set up
- phidgets 8/8/8
- x4 analogue inputs ( pots )
- x8 digital inputs ( x4 buttons / x4 switches )
- x4 digital output ( x4 leds )
Current goal
- create simple software interface to run the controller once plugged in that can interface with my other code sketches
- it will take inputs standardize them and send out using a different protocol so it can be connected to various programs easily + hopevially via a class / template
- for now i'm thinking OSC, specifcally so we can easily hook up with OF sketches + potentially GUI
- eventually would be configurable via a settings file etc... so it can run many different layouts of hardware configurations
Stack approach
- Phidgets + node + websockets
- express node server
- node-osc - for sending message out ( should I just use websockets? maybe both? nice to do this with options )
- simple web page for testing?
- input mapping
- osc output
- websocket output
- simple react interface local for visualising / debugging
- templatized layouts / congifuration
- other output protocol options