This is my collection of configuration files.
Clone this repository, and create symbolic links using the Makefile:
gt clone [email protected]:Luc-Saccoccio/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
make nvim zsh # for example
Please read the Makefile (at least a little) before trying to use it.
There are settings for :
- catgirl (IRC client)
- bspwm (WM)
- dunst (notifications)
- git (really need any explanation ?)
- i3 (WM)
- mpd (music player daemon)
- mpv (media player)
- ncmpcpp (tui for mpd)
- neomutt (MUA)
- neovim (editor)
- newsboat (RSS)
- picom (compositor)
- polybar (bar)
- proxyman (proxy manager)
- rofi (program launcher)
- sxhkd (key binder)
- termite (terminal)
- tmux (terminal multiplexer)
- vimus (tui for mpd)
- zathura (document viewer)
- Others things like aliases, mimeapps, shell and variable config, and Xressources
Check all my other repositories :
- dwm
- dwmblocks
- st
- dmenu
- tabbed
- Include screenshots
- Manage ssh