Prefix is set to Ctrl + S
i.e. send-prefix for now, was not able to set it to Ctrl + ,
which I prefer.
<prefix> + :
enter command mode. Even when using vi mode most of the time, after strong suggestions, status-keys are set to emacs. Seeman tmux
emacs for more infotmux list-commands
list all supported commands<prefix> + r
and/or<prefix> + I
reload configuration (configuration reloaded and plugins installed also on tmux start)
bash script to start session named by current directory or attach if exists.<prefix> + C
prompt for creating a new session by name.:new -As mysession
ortmux new -As mysession
start new session or attach if exists.<prefix> + @
- promote current pane into a new session.<prefix> + s
ortmux ls
list sessions<prefix> + w
list sessions with windows<prefix> + $
rename session<prefix> + S
switches to the last session.<prefix> + (
and<prefix> + )
move previous / next session<prefix> + X
kill current session without detaching tmux.tmux kill-session -t mysession
to kill sessiontmux kill-session -a
kill all session but the current (note session is killed when exited until last one)<prefix> + d
detach client (exit and leave tmux running)tmux a -t mysession
attach session
<prefix> + c
or<prefix> + n
open new window<prefix> + w
list windows<prefix> + ,
rename window (it is good to rename long-term windows)<prefix> + j
and<prefix> + k
move to next / previous window<prefix> + 0..9
go to window by number (note command:swap-window -t <position>
for moving windows around<prefix> + &
close full window, maybe better to use<prefix> + x
to close pane, when last pane is closed => window is closed
<prefix> + q
to show pane numbers and when pressing in 5s, it switches the pane<prefix> + \
horizontal split<prefix> + -
vertical splitC-k
move up ^1,C-j
move down ^1,C-h
move left ^1,C-l
move right ^1,<prefix> + z
zoom pane<prefix> + x
kill pane<prefix> + {
and/or<prefix> + }
swap panes left/right
^1 when Vim is opened it works with its panes too, requires vim-tmux-navigator
Copy mode uses vi commands for movement
<prefix> + [
enter copy modev
for visual selecty
to execute copy mode
Use git clone ~/.tmux-local
+ ./install
bash script and/or follow instructions below
Follow instructions here
In home directory
ln -s ~/.tmux-local/.tmux.conf.local
Bash script helping with
tmux attach
Go tobin
directory and symlinkln -s ~/.tmux-local/tattach
Bash script copying=yanking text to clipboard over terminal with remote,
Go tobin
directory and symlinkln -s ~/.tmux-local/yank
When using mosh, build from this PR if not merged to support copy mode
Make sure
are set.
export EDITOR='vi -e' export VISUAL='vim' export TERM='xterm-256color'
Bash script for displaying tmux bell,
Go tobin
directory and symlinkln -s ~/.tmux-local/tbell
For usage see .tmux.conf.local -
Bash script for easy tmuxinator start and stop, go to
directory and do symlinks
ln -s ~/.tmux-local/.tmux.conf.local
ln -s ~/.tmux-local/.tmux.conf.local
This is not used/installed yet
- More advanced sessions control
- Having tmux configurations (windows, panes, ...) per project = quick start
- Watch plugins
- Official wiki, repo
- Nice video tutorials
- Widely used configuraiton + issues with problems solved before