Fake It 'Till You Make It, or fitumi, is a Lua faking library intended for helping to create comprehensive unit tests for Lua code bases. While not required, fitumi was designed with Roblox development as the primary use-case. Fitumi's design is inspired in part by FakeItEasy.
Fitumi comes paired with TypeScript annotation files for easy installation into a roblox-ts project and is published to NPM under the @rbxts/fitumi package.
local fitumi = require(path.to.fitumi)
local a = fitumi.a
local fakeDependency = a.fake()
a.callTo(fakeDependency["foo"], fakeDependency, fitumi.wildcard):returns("bar")
local targetObject = TargetClass.new(fakeDependency)
assert(a.callTo(fakeDependency["foo"], fakeDependency, fitumi.wildcard):didHappen(), "No call to foo happened")
assert(targetObject.fooResult == "bar", "targetObject's foo result does not match provided foo result")
assert(a.writeTo(fakeDependency, "expectedKey", "expectedValue"):didHappen(), "targetObject did not write \"expectedValue\" to \"expectedKey\"")