I'm Lizzy, an independent full stack engineer who is passionate about decentralized & privacy aware software
My playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/45x8Pw3oLXM6HplaG2u06p
You can reach me on Discord @lizzythewitch
. For business inquiries, email me at (lizzy at lizainslie dot dev).
I have a particular set of skills:
- Web development using:
- Next, React, Vue, Astro (frontend/fullstack)
- Ktor, Rails, Django (backend)
- Minecraft development For Spigot/Fabric using Kotlin I will not touch Java
- Mobile & desktop development with Jetpack Compose, Flutter, Expo, Electron and GTK
- Payment processing with Braintree, Paypal, Stripe
- Bot development using Kord or Discord.js. Learning Serenity.
- Game Development using:
- LibGDX, KorGE/Korlibs, LWJGL
- THREE.js & Phaser. Loving react-three-fiber