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Structure Overview

├── AnalysisCode
├── Data
│   ├── AQI
│   ├── Administrative_Division
│   ├── Demographics
│   ├── Historical_Weather
│   ├── Holiday
│   ├── POI
│   ├── Road_Network
│   ├── Traffic_Data
│   └── Weather_Forecast
├── Experiments
├── img
├── UCTB
└── DataProcessCode
  • The Data directory is designated for storing spatiotemporal data and context data, including subfolders such as Holiday, POI, and Weather. The files within these subfolders should be named using the format City+TimeSpan+DataType.csv, for example, NYC_20160101_20170101_Weather.csv. Among these, Traffic_Data is our dataset containing spatiotemporal traffic data.

  • The AnalysisCode directory is intended for storing the code or notebook files used for data analysis. The file names should reflect the purpose of the file. For instance, the code for analyzing the correlation between POI and traffic flow can be named

  • The DataProcessCode directory is used for storing data preprocessing code. The files can be named according to the type of data being processed. For example, the code for processing POI data can be named

  • The Experiments directory is used to store the code for benchmark experiments.

  • The img directory is for storing images required by documents such as

  • UCTB: This is the version 0.3.5 of the code. All merged code needs to be compatible with this version of UCTB.

Traffic Dataset

Application City Interval Time Span
Bike-sharing NYC 5 mins 2013/07/01-2017/09/30
Bike-sharing Chicago 5 mins 2013/07/01-2017/09/30
Bike-sharing DC 5 mins 2013/07/01-2017/09/30
Pedestrian count Melbourne 60 mins 2021/01/01-2022/11/01
Vehicle speed LA 5 mins 2012/03/01-2012/06/28
Vehicle speed BAY 5 mins 2017/01/01-2017/07/01
Ride-sharing Chicago 60 mins 2013/01/01-2022/03/31
Ride-sharing NYC 60 mins 2016/01/01-2023/06/01
Metro NYC 60 mins 2022/02/01-2023/12/21

Dataset Overview

Historical Wea. Wea. Forecast AQI Holiday TP POI Demo Road Network AD
Bike NYC
Bike Chicago
Bike DC
Pedestrian Melbourne
Taxi NYC
Ride Chicago
Metro NYC

Descirption Example

First, we provide overall information about this contextual data, including its collection source, metadata description, and instructions for loading and using the data. Please use a few brief sentences.

Meta Data

The metadata table is displayed as a table. You can use the following two examples for guidance: attribute and description are mandatory fields, while the third column may include additional information or offer a specific example.

Attribute Description Possible Range of Values
ID The identifier of a sensor in PeMS 6 to 9 digits number
Lat The latitude of a sensor Real number
Lng The longitude of a sensor Real number
District The district of a sensor in PeMS 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12
County The county of a sensor in California String
Fwy The highway where a sensor is located String starts with 'I', 'US', or 'SR'
Lane The number of lanes where a sensor is located 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Type The type of a sensor Mainline
Direction The direction of the highway N, S, E, W
Attribute Description Example
Order ID Unique identifier for each sales order 10013, 10014
Date Date of the sales transaction 2024-01-04
Category Broad category of the product sold Electronics, Home Appliances, Clothing, Books, Beauty Products, Sports
Product Name Specific name or model of the product sold iPhone 14 Pro, Dyson V11 Vacuum
Quantity Number of units of the product sold in the transaction 1, 5
Unit Price Price of one unit of the product 999 dollars
Total Price Total revenue generated from the sales transaction (Quantity * Unit Price). 63.96
Region Geographic region where the transaction occurred (e.g., North America, Europe, Asia) North America, Europe, Asia
Payment Method Method used for payment Credit Card, PayPal, Debit Card

Load and Use

This section provides an overview of the steps for preparing and organizing contextual datasets. The following processes are included:

  1. Data Preprocessing: The data is preprocessed to align and filter the traffic data using a feature transformation script.
  2. Storage of Processed Data: The processed data is saved in a directory organized by area, road, and point of interest, so on, with files named City+TimeSpan+DataType.csv (e.g., NYC_2016_2017_POI_transformed.npy).
  3. File Types: Description of file types used for storing different kinds of information:
    • xxx.geo for geographic entity attributes
    • xxx.rel for relationships between entities
    • xxx.dyna for traffic condition information.
    • config.json for supplementary table descriptions.
  4. Customization: Users can create their own function for data preparation (i.e., transformation function) and run construction scripts to adapt to various datasets.

Historical Weather

Meta Data

Attribute Description Example
key Unique identifier of the observing site KSJC,KLGA
class Type of observation observation
expire_time_gmt Expiration time of the observation 2017-01-01 03:53:00
obs_id Observation ID KSJC
obs_name Name of the observing site San Jose
valid_time_gmt Observation validity period 2017-01-01 00:53:00
day_ind Time of day (day or night) D,N
temp Temperature (Fahrenheit) -14-118
wx_icon Weather Icon Code 0-33
icon_extd Weather Icon Extension Code 3300
wx_phrase Weather phrase description Fair, Mostly Cloudy,Light Rain
pressure_tend Air pressure trend 0(stable),1(increase),2(decrease)
pressure_desc Discription of air pressure trend Rising Rapidly
dewPt Dew Point Temperature (Fahrenheit) -24-80
heat_index Heat Index -14-114
rh Relative humidity(%) 0-100
pressure pressure 28-31
vis Visibility (miles) 0-10
wc Wind Chill Index -41~118
wdir Wind direction (angle) 10-360
wdir_cardinal Description of wind direction NE,S,N
gust Wind speed instantaneous value (miles per hour) 16-74
wspd Wind Speed ​​(mph) 0-60
max_temp Maximum Temperature (Fahrenheit) -12-118
min_temp Minimum Temperature (Fahrenheit) -15-94
precip_total Total precipitation (inches) 0-4.88
precip_hrly Hourly precipitation (inches) 0-1.98
snow_hrly Hourly precipitation (inches) 1.0-3.0
uv_desc UV Index Description 'Low', 'Moderate', 'High', 'Very High', 'Extreme'
feels_like Feeling temperature (Fahrenheit) -41-114
uv_index UV Index -618-12

Load and Use

import pandas as pd
import os
# dataset path configuration
stcontext_data_dir = '{your_dir_path}'
start_date = '20130101'
end_date = '20140101'
context_type = 'Historical_Weather'
dataset_name = '{}_{}_{}_{}.csv'.format(city, start_date, end_date, context_type)
dataset_path = os.path.join(historical_weather_data_dir, dataset_name)

# read csv
df = pd.read_csv(dataset_path)

# fill missing values with the previous value to prevent data leakage


# more process steps(optional)

You can obtain raw historical weather without missing values with code snippets above, however if you want to make traffic prediction with them, you need to preprocess the data to align with the traffic data. We implement a context_dataloader to align context data with crowd flow data. More details please refer to UCTB/dataset/

Weather Forecast

Meta Data

Attribute Description Example
u10 10m u component of wind (metre per second) -3.2, 5.1
v10 10m v component of wind (metre per second) 4.8, -1.6
fg10 10m wind gust since previous post processing (metre per second) 7.3, 12.1
d2m 2m dewpoint temperature (kelvin) 280.15, 290.55
t2m 2m temperature (kelvin) 285.65, 300.25
i10fg instantaneous 10m wind gust (metre per second) 10.5, 15.3
mx2t maximum 2m temperature since previous post processing (kelvin) 295.75, 310.85
mn2t minimum 2m temperature since previous post processing (kelvin) 275.35, 283.15
sd snow depth (metres of water equivalent) 0.12, 0.25
sf snowfall (metres of water equivalent) 0.05, 0.10
tcc total cloud cover (Dimensionless) 0.7, 1.0
tp total precipitation (metres) 0.02, 0.08

Load and Use

import pandas as pd
import os
# dataset path configuration
stcontext_data_dir = '{your_dir_path}'
start_date = '20130101'
end_date = '20140101'
context_type = 'WeatherForecast'
dataset_name = '{}_{}_{}_{}.parquet'.format(city, start_date, end_date, context_type)
dataset_path = os.path.join(historical_weather_data_dir, dataset_name)

# read csv
df = pd.read_parquet(dataset_path)

# fill missing values with the previous value to prevent data leakage


# more process steps(optional)

You can obtain raw weather forecast without missing values with code snippets above, however if you want to make traffic prediction with them, you need to preprocess the data to align with the traffic data. We implement a context_dataloader to align context data with crowd flow data. More details please refer to UCTB/dataset/


Meta Data

Attribute Description Example
State Code The FIPS code of the state in which the monitor resides. 36(New York)
County Code The FIPS code of the county in which the monitor resides. 5(Brox)
Site Num A unique number within the county identifying the site. 110
Parameter Code The AQS code corresponding to the parameter measured by the monitor. 42401(S02)
POC This is the “Parameter Occurrence Code” used to distinguish different instruments that measure the same parameter at the same site. 1,2...
Latitude The monitoring site’s angular distance north of the equator measured in decimal degrees. 40.816
Longitude The monitoring site’s angular distance east of the prime meridian measured in decimal degrees. -73.902
Datum The Datum associated with the Latitude and Longitude measures. WGS84
Parameter Name The name or description assigned in AQS to the parameter measured by the monitor. Parameters may be pollutants or non-pollutants Sulfur dioxide
Date Local The calendar date of the sample in Local Standard Time at the monitor. 2022-02-01
Time Local The time of day that sampling began on a 24-hour clock in Local Standard Time. 00:00
Sample Measurement The measured value in the standard units of measure for the parameter. 0.9
Units of Measure The unit of measure for the parameter. Parts per billion
MDL The Method Detection Limit. 0.2
Uncertainty The total measurement uncertainty associated with a reported measurement as indicated by the reporting agency. N/A
Qualifier Sample values may have qualifiers that indicate why they are missing or that they are out of the ordinary. N/A
Method Type An indication of whether the method used to collect the data is a federal reference method (FRM) FEM
Method Code An internal system code indicating the method (processes, equipment, and protocols) used in gathering and measuring the sample. 560
Method Name A short description of the processes, equipment, and protocols used in gathering and measuring the sample. INSTRUMENTAL - Pulsed Fluorescent 43C-TLE/43i-TLE
State Name The name of the state where the monitoring site is located. New York
County Name The name of the county where the monitoring site is located. Brox
Date of Last Change The date the last time any numeric values in this record were updated in the AQS data system. 2022-04-21

Load and Use

import pandas as pd
import os
# dataset path configuration
stcontext_data_dir = '{your_dir_path}'
start_date = '20130101'
end_date = '20140101'
context_type = 'AQI'
dataset_name = '{}_{}_{}_{}.csv'.format(city, start_date, end_date, context_type)
dataset_path = os.path.join(historical_weather_data_dir, dataset_name)

# read csv
df = pd.read_csv(dataset_path)

# fill missing values with the previous value to prevent data leakage


# more process steps(optional)

You can obtain raw AQI without missing values with code snippets above, however if you want to make traffic prediction with them, you need to preprocess the data to align with the traffic data. We implement a context_dataloader to align context data with crowd flow data. More details please refer to UCTB/dataset/


Meta Data

Attribute Description Example
Date The date of timestamp 2013/7/1
Holiday Is it a holiday or not? 0 means no, 1 means yes.
Holiday_Type Category of the holiday Thanksgiving Day

Load and Use

# dataset path configuration
user_data_dir = '{your_dir_path}'
import pickle
import pandas as pd

# Specify the file path.
file_path = 'Holiday_{}_{}.csv'.format(City,Year)

dataset_path = os.path.join(user_data_dir, file_path)

# Load Holiday data.
df = pd.read_csv('{}'.format(dataset_path))

You can use the following code to load data of Holiday for different datasets. However, if you want to make traffic prediction with them, you need to preprocess the data to align with the traffic data. We implement a context_dataloader to align context data with crowd flow data. More details please refer to UCTB/dataset/


Meta Data

Attribute Description Example
Osm_id Unique identifier used to identify map elements in OpenStreetMap 42538083
Name Name of the POI U.S.Bank
Fclass Category of the POI Bank
Other_tags Other information of the POI "addr:city"=>"Santa Clara"
Lat Latitude of the POI 40.81632
Lng Longitude of the POI -73.90182

The folders contain POI data for four cities and relative code.

Processing data from raw POI to pickle files.

After setting "City", "Dataset_path", "N", "RAWPOI_path","Time_begin" and "Time_end" and "POI_type_file_path" parameters, run the following code directly.

# dataset path configuration
user_data_dir = '{your_dir_path}'
import pickle
import pandas as pd
# Specify the file path.
file_path = 'POI_{}-{}.xls'.format(City,Year)

dataset_path = os.path.join(user_data_dir, file_path)
df = pd.read_excel(dataset_path)  

# Load POI data.


Meta Data

Attribute Description Example
FIPSCode Unique identifier used to identify map elements in OpenStreetMap 42538083
Year Name of the POI 2013
GeoID Category of the POI G170319801001010
x_center Other information of the POI 40.81632
y_center Latitude of the POI -73.2562
tract_bloc The number of the census block and census tract where it is located 9801001010
polygon The latitude and longitude coordinates of polygon vertices ((-73.2521,40.2598),(-73.3451,42.9821),(-73,1120,42.3696))

You can use the following code to load raw context data of demographics. However, if you want to make traffic prediction with them, you need to preprocess the data to align with the traffic data. We implement a context_dataloader to align context data with crowd flow data. More details please refer to UCTB/dataset/

Load and Use

# dataset path configuration
user_data_dir = '{your_dir_path}'
import pickle
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point

# Specify the file path.
CSV_file_path = '{}_{}_Census.csv'.format(City,Year)
Shp_file_path = '{}_{}_Census.shp'.format(City,Year)
CSV_dataset_path = os.path.join(user_data_dir, CSV_file_path)
Shp_file_path = os.path.join(user_data_dir, Shp_file_path)

# Load Demographic data.
gdf = gpd.read_file(Shp_file_path)
df = pd.read_csv('{}'.format(CSV_dataset_path))

Road Network

Meta Data

Attribute Description Example
Name Name of the road 55th Street
Highway Category of the road motorway
Other_tags Other information of the road "oneway"=>"yes"
Z_order Z_order is a field in osm2pgsql datamodel 6
polygon The latitude and longitude coordinates of lines ((-73.2521,40.2598),(-73.3451,42.9821),(-73,1120,42.3696))

Load and Use

# dataset path configuration
user_data_dir = '{your_dir_path}'
import pickle
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point

# Specify the file path.
file_path = 'Road{}{}.shp'.format(City,Year)
dataset_path = os.path.join(user_data_dir, file_path)

# Load road data.
gdf = gpd.read_file(dataset_path)

You can use the following code to load raw context data of road network for different datasets. However, if you want to make traffic prediction with them, you need to preprocess the data to align with the traffic data. We implement a context_dataloader to align context data with crowd flow data. More details please refer to UCTB/dataset/

Administrative Division

Meta Data

Attribute Description Example
ntaname Name of this Neighborhood Greenpoint
ntaabbrev An abbreviation of Neighborhood area name Grnpt
shape_leng The length of region 28912.56
Shape_Area The Area of region 0.00035
y_center Longitude of the Neighborhood's center 40.81632
x_center Latitude of the Neighborhood's center -73.90182
polygon The latitude and longitude coordinates of polygon vertices ((-73.2521,40.2598),(-73.3451,42.9821),(-73,1120,42.3696))

Load and Use

# dataset path configuration
user_data_dir = '{your_dir_path}'
import pickle
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point

# Specify the file path.
file_path = 'AdministrativeDivision_{}.pkl'.format(City)
dataset_path = os.path.join(user_data_dir, file_path)

# Load AD data.
gdf = gpd.read_file(dataset_path)

You can use the following code to load raw context data of administrative division for different datasets. However, if you want to make traffic prediction with them, you need to preprocess the data to align with the traffic data. We implement a context_dataloader to align context data with crowd flow data. More details please refer to UCTB/dataset/

Empirical Study

Spatio-temporal Context

The dataset we used in empirical study is stored in the link with code 475k.

The corresponding experiment scripts locate in Experiment/stcontext/.


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