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Implementation of LionCore in MPS


Download the LionWeb-MPS version that matches your MPS version from Maven Central. The artifacts are named io.lionweb.lionweb-mps.lionweb-mps-<MPS release>-lw<LionWeb-version>. Currently available are:

Load them into your MPS project as project library.


  • MPS version 2021.1

  • lioncore-java

    For updating to a newer version of this dependency, change the version number in and run ./gradlew resolveLibs .


  • run ./gradlew resolveLibs to download required libraries.
  • In MPS, create path variable lionweb-mps.home pointing to the directory containing this readme file.


  • build The usual build model, to be used with mps-gradle-plugin

  • cli Command-line interface with separate readme

  • client Proof-of-concept of MPS as LionWeb client. Only works if deployed as IDEA plugin.

  • lang The main part of LionWeb-MPS.

    • converter All conversion code independent of LionWeb-Java (and thus JSON).
      • io.lionweb.mps.converter Contains converters between deployed / models of MPS languages and LionWeb languages (expressed as instances of io.lionweb.mps.m3).
      • io.lionweb.mps.converter.lang Provides concepts to easily configure and execute all available converters.
    • json All JSON-related conversion code
      • Model stubs of LionWeb-Java.
      • io.lionweb.mps.json Contains converters beween
        • deployed MPS languages and LionWeb languages in JSON format
        • instances of io.lionweb.mps.m3 and LionWeb languages in JSON format
        • M1 models in MPS and LionWeb JSON format
    • m3 Languages to extend and/or implement LionWeb in MPS.
      • io.lionweb.mps.m3 Contains LionCore meta-meta-model as MPS language.
      • io.lionweb.mps.specific Language to represent MPS-specifics as LionWeb Annotations (e.g. BaseConcept.virtualPackage).
      • io.lionweb.mps.structure.attribute Language to represent LionCore-specifics in MPS Languages (e.g. IKeyed.key or Property.optional).
  • server Teaches MPS to act as a bulk model server / repository.

  • test Tests for all functionality above

    • dependencies Test languages to test fine-grained dependencies (FineGrainedClosureLanguage2JsonConverter)
    • langs Other test languages
    • support Code to simplify testing
      • io.lionweb.mps.testsupport Provides useful concepts for testing
        • ArbitraryContainer Can host arbitrary other nodes. Needed because when executing node tests, MPS creates temporary model copies and keeps references per TestNode. If we need consistent node ids across root nodes, they need to be contained in the same TestNode, and thus inside an ArbitraryContainer.
        • AssertMatchVerbose An extension of MPS' standard assert match statement. Provides detailled information about differences instead of just failing.
    • io.lionweb.mps.converter.test Tests for non-JSON converters.
    • io.lionweb.mps.converter.test.mpsextensions Tests that depend on MPS-extensions to be deployed. LionWeb-MPS does not depend on MPS-extensions. This solutions contains tests stemming from real-world issues. We don't execute it in CI yet (see gradle-mps-plugin feature request).
    • io.lionweb.mps.converter.test.usebroken Tests LionWeb-MPS behavior with broken languages. Not executed in CI, as it depends on io.lionweb.mps.converter.TestLangBroken which cannot be built in CI.
    • io.lionweb.mps.json.test Tests for JSON-related converters. Contains all reference JSON test files in resources folder.
    • io.lionweb.mps.lang.test Tests validators, scopes, and intentions of languages in m3 virtual folder.
    • io.lionweb.mps.server.test Tests MPS bulk model server. Not executed in CI.
  • xx_broken Broken modules. Don't expect them to check, build, or their tests to run (successfully or at all).

    • bla Proof-of-Concept model source to use MPS as LionWeb client.
    • io.lionweb.mps.converter.test.disabled Tests for importing LionWeb Languages as MPS languages. This functionality is currently not maintained, but might be re-activated in the future.
    • io.lionweb.mps.m3.selfdescription Scratch book.
    • io.lionweb.mps.converter.TestLangBroken Intentionally broken language for testing purposes.

Note that neither check, build, nor run all tests will work on the whole project:

  • Stuff in xx_broken is just that.
  • Stuff in io.lionweb.mps.converter.test.mpsextensions depends on this feature request
  • Stuff in io.lionweb.mps.converter.test.usebroken depends on xx_broken.
  • Stuff in io.lionweb.mps.server.test depends on this MPS being the one listening to the standard MPS port — i.e., no other MPS running.


It is suggested to use JDK 11. Later JDKs could cause errors.


./gradlew build

User Reference Documentation

Read about LionWeb Extensions on MPS' Language Structure Aspect and LionWeb Converter Language.

Technical Documentation

Refer to our design document.

Development process

We have one "main" branch per supported MPS version, e.g. mps2021.1. We use the latest patch of each supported MPS version, e.g. MPS 2021.1.4. We implement all new functionality on a branch, based on the oldest supported "main" branch. Example: The new branch niko/great-new-feature is based on mps2021.1.

Once we merged the feature branch back to "main" (in the example: mps2021.1), we merge the changes into the next higher MPS version branch — “cross-version migration”. Example:

  1. Use MPS 2021.1 to develop on niko/great-new-feature, based on mps2021.1.
  2. Merge niko/great-new-feature into mps2021.1 via pull request.
  3. Open MPS 2021.2 on branch mps2021.2 and merge mps2021.1 into mps2021.2. Push mps2021.2.
  4. Open MPS 2021.3 on branch mps2021.3 and merge mps2021.2 into mps2021.3. Push mps2021.3.
  5. Release each "main" branch separately, to create new artifacts lionweb-mps2021.1-lw2023.1, lionweb-mps2021.2-lw2023.1, and lionweb-mps2021.3-lw2023.1.

When merging into a newer MPS version, follow these steps. The example assumes we merge mps2021.1 into mps2021.2.

  1. Open the target MPS version (2021.2) on the target branch (mps2021.2).
  2. Checkout a new branch off of the target branch (mps2021.2), named mps2021.2-migration (or a name that's as least as good).
  3. Merge the source branch (mps2021.1) into your current branch (mps2021.2-migration).
  4. Double-check still contains the proper entries for:
    • mpsVersionSuffix should be the target MPS version (2021.2)
    • mpsVersion full target MPS version (2021.2.6)
    • mpsExtensionsVersion latest version of MPS-extensions for the target MPS version (2021.2.2631.1360a64)
  5. Run the Migration Assistant.
  6. Update the (two) build models, triggering the “Reload Modules From Disk” intention when and where needed.
  7. Check the entire project using “Check Project”. Investigate and fix any errors outside the module named “xx_broken”, but also see the caveat under “Overview”.
  8. Rebuild the (entire) project, but also see the caveat under “Overview”
  9. Run all tests, in the standard way from within MPS using “Run 'All Tests in Project'”, but also see the caveat under “Overview”. Tests that don't run (successfully or at all) have a comment stating why, e.g. this one.
  10. Repeat steps 5-9 for the test projects, residing in test-project/ and test-project-externalLib/.
  11. Check that the following Gradle tasks execute without failure from the CLI: publishToMavenLocal, testCmdLineExport.
  12. Commit the changes, and push the branch (mps2012.2-migration).
  13. Check that the GitHub Action triggered by the push runs successfully. (If not: sorry to hear the build feels like that, and good luck with that... Some nasty debugging lies ahead of you...)
  14. Provided everything works, merge the mps2021.2-migration branch back into mps2021.2.
  15. Create a release — see the next section.

Publishing and Releasing

Use the publish task to publish a snapshot version (i.e., versions ending with -SNAPSHOT), and the release task to release an official version.

Note that you must publish/release from branches named mps<yyyy>.<n> where <yyyy>, <n> are the major, resp. minor version numbers of the MPS version targeted. Currently, <yyyy> = 2021, and <n> = 1, 2, or 3.

In order to be able to publish or release, you need to do the following:

  1. Register on Sonatype. You'll need the corresponding credentials later on, but note that these are different from the user token you'll also need (to create).
  2. Ask to be added to the list of users authorized to release under io.lionweb.
  1. Create an user token for Sonatype:
  • Log in on — which is not the same site as Maven Central! —, by clicking on the “Log in” button in the top-right corner

  • Go to your profile by clicking on your username in the top-right corner, and selecting “Profile”

  • Click on the dropdown menu currently showing “Summary”, and select “User Token”

  • Click the “Generate User Token” (or “Access User Token” if you've already made one)

  • Set the username and password shown as the values of the ossrhUsername and ossrhPassword properties in ~/.gradle/


After that, you should be able to publish/release by first running

./gradlew publish

to publish a snapshot version, or

./gradlew release

to release an official version. The release task involves manual input, which should consist of pressing Enter every of the two times it's requested.

After that, perform the following steps in a browser. Note that interacting with this UI requires a bit of patience. It's probably also good to not try and publish/release multiple versions at the same time.

  1. Go to and log in with your general Sonatype credentials.
  2. Click on “Staging Repositories” on the left, then click the “Refresh” button, and wait a while. (I'm afraid you'll have to get used to that particular action.)
  3. A row with Profile = io.lionweb and Status = open should appear: click the checkbox in front of it, click the “Close” button, and click the “Confirm” button in the modal dialog that appears. Wait.
  4. Click the “Refresh” button once in a while, until Status = closed. You can inspect the “Activity” tab to (try and) see (/infer) what's going.
  5. Click the “Release” button, and click the “Confirm” button in the modal dialog that appears. Wait.
  6. Click the “Refresh” button once in a while, until the row disappears.
  7. Enter lionweb + Enter in the text input box under “Artifact Search” to see all artifacts related to LionWeb (including the Java ones).
  8. Look up the row with Artifact = lionweb-mps-<yyyy>.<n>-lw<v>, and click on the “Show All Versions” link. Here <v> is the identification of the version of the LionWeb specification targeted — currently, <v> = 2023.1.
  9. Verify that the version that you wanted to release appears at the top of the resulting list.

To test publishing to Maven Local:

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal


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