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Lind with VSCode

Alice W edited this page Nov 8, 2023 · 4 revisions

Step 1: Connect to NYU VPN

If you are on campus and using the NYU network, you can skip Step 1.

  1. Install openconnect:

$ sudo apt-get install openconnect network-manager-openconnect network-manager-openconnect-gnome

  1. Connect:

$ sudo openconnect

Then follow the instructions

Step 2: Install Remote - SSH on VSCode

  1. Open Extensions in VScode and find Remote - SSH

Find SSH

  1. After installation, click the Remote Explorer button located at left toolbar, then click the plus sign (Add New) next to SSH target.

Add Server

  1. Then type ssh [username] -A and connect to the Lind server.

SSH Connect

Step 3: Install Docker on VScode

  1. Open Extensions in VScode and find Docker

Find Docker

Step 4: Modify Lind source code in VScode

  1. Click Docker icon on the left side-bar

  2. Find your container and start working

Open Container