The goal of this project is to compare the relative performance of the Vgg19 and Vgg11 CNN architectures in a transfer learning context. The networks were originally trained on the ImageNet dataset, and were retrained on the bird identification dataset.
All experiments were ran using the notebooks at the base of this repo, and using the various utility functions available in the local utilities package. The local package can be loaded using:
cd bird_utils
pip install -e .
All retraining in this experiment was conducted by me using the bird classification dataset. The originall training of the VGG11 and VGG19 models used as a base for this experiment were trained on Imagenet-1k by PyTorch contributers. The datasets are available below:
The pre-trained Vgg19 and Vgg11 models were retrained on the bird classification dataset. Training an entire vgg model would be way to computationally expensive. Thankfully, because of the nature of this bird classification problem, training the entire model is not necessary.
First, some high level background on the VGG architeture. All models in the VGG family are divided into two main compaonents, the feature extractor and the classifier:
The feature extractor is the first "half" of the model, and is composed of a series of convolutional and pooling layers that extract features. The second half, the classifier, is a series of fully connected layers that take the extracted features and assign a classification to the input. Thankfully, as the data from Imagnet-1k and the bird dataset is, at a high level, sampled from a very similar distribution, in theory a feature extractor trained on Imagnet-1k should be able to extract meaningfull features from samples in the bird dataset. If that assumption holds, than it is only necessary to train the classifer, which is mych less computational resource intensive than training the entire vgg model.
For this experiment, the VGG11 and VGG19 feature extraction layers are pre-trained by PyTorch contributers on Imagnet-1k, and the classifier layers will be trained over 10 epochs. After training, the results of VGG11 and VGG19 will be compared.
Unfortunately the bird dataset only contains about 60 examples per each of the 555 classes. In order to still sucessfully train the model with the low amount of examples per class, standard data-augmentation practices were applied during training. During each epoch, every image was randomly transformed. This was achieved using the transform:
# Data augmentation
transforms.ColorJitter(brightness = 0.4, contrast = 0.4, saturation = 0.4, hue = 0.1),
# data-standardization for imgnet dataset
transforms.Normalize(mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]),
This effectively created more examples per class. Some examples of the transformations are available below.
Base sample:
And with random transformations applied:
In addition to providing more examples, data-augmentation should also prevent the model from overfitting. However, data-augmentation leads to validation errory being a pessismestic estimate of test-error, which was observed empiracally while training both models.
Both the VGG 11 and VGG 13 models were trained for 10 epochs using the same non-model architecture hyperparamters. These are available in the table below:
Hyperparamter | Value |
Optimizer | SGD |
Batch Size | 64 |
Learn Rate | 0.001 |
Momentum | 0.9 |
Before training, the enire bird dataset was divided into train and validaition sets with a 90-10 split. The split was preseeded so that it remained consistant across trials. During training, the validation set was augmented in addition to the training set. However, during the validaition stage the train set was not augmented, only resized. This was executed using the transformation below:
# Data augmentation
transforms.Resize(size = 224),
transforms.CenterCrop(size = 224),
# data-standardization for imgnet dataset
transforms.Normalize(mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]),
The training curves are available below:
From the graphs, it is clear that transfer learning VGG19 and VGG11 perform very similarely. This is even more clear when the trained VGG19 and VGG11 networks were tested against the unaugmented dataset. On the unaugmented dataset, VGG11 and VGG19 achieved an accuracy of 49% and 51% respectively.