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A web browser extension starter based on Typescript, React and Webpack made to kickstart your next extension.

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Logo React Chrome Extension starter

A simple starter to bootstrap your next chrome extension.


$ yarn 
# install dependencies

$ yarn dev
# launch files compilation in watch mode and an instance of React Devtool

$ yarn build
# build production-ready files into a 'build' folder 

In Chrome web browser

  1. Go to: chrome://extensions
  2. Toggle: "developer mode" on
  3. Click on: "Load unpacked"
  4. Select the newly created folder "build" from the project folder

In Firefox web browser

  1. Go to: about:debugging
  2. Select: "Enable add-on debugging"
  3. Click on: "Load Temporary Add-on…"
  4. Open the newly created folder "build" from the project folder, and choose the "manifest.json" file

React DevTools

By default, using React Devtools within a Chrome extension can be a tedious task. This template include, by default, support for it. It uses the standalone react-devtool package. When you edit your React code in the popup folder, files are updated and you must re-open your popup extension to see changes. When the popup is opened, React DevTools window will show your React tree.

Styled component

The template comes with styled-components. Again, you can wether choose to not use it, this is a personnal choice. You can also find a src/popup/styles folder, which contains many related styled-components files to keep things organized. It's again a personnal convention that I follow, feel free to anhilate this directory if you want 😢


webpack-extension-reloader is used so any changes you made to your code (mainly the background and contentscript related codes) make your extensions to be reloaded by the browser, so it understands your new changes in those files.


It includes by default support for aliases in tsconfig.json. They are 5 defaulted aliases, ready to use :

// ~contentscript refers to src/contentscript
import { something } from '~contentscript/file'

// ~popup refers to src/popup
import { something } from '~popup/file'

// ~styles refers to src/popup/styles
import { something } from '~styles/file'

// ~background refers to src/background
import { something } from '~background/file'

// ~ refers to src
import { something } from '~/file'

It uses tsconfig-paths and it's corresponding Webpack plugin, tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin. It means that you only have to setup your aliases in the tsconfig.json, it's your source of truth.

@types and extending modules

It also includes a @types directory under src, so you can easily separate your types or extends some external modules. They are also included in the tsconfig.json For example, if some package named foo does not have any types in DefinitelyTyped, you could add a index.d.ts under src/@types/foo/index.d.ts. It is just my personnal convention, so do as you want!

// src/@types/foo/index.d.ts

// to make sure Typescript get the original types from the module (if any)
import * as foo from 'foo'

declare module 'foo' {
  declare function foo(bar: string): boolean

Because the @types directory is declared in typeRoots, Typescript will no longer complain if you imported your package with missing types


The template includes Prettier, ESLint (with Typescript-eslint), Babel and Husky. All their related configurations are in the *rc files.


When you open for the first time the popup extension and you see nothing, inspect the popup extension (right click to the extension icon > Inspect popup)

If you see an error like this on your console error It's because of a Content Security Policy. By default, Chrome blocks inline scripts in extension, so the React app may not work. To make it works, copy the hash that the error gave you and paste it in the manifest.json file, in the content_security_policy like this

  "content_security_policy": "connect-src 'self' ws://localhost:*; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' '<YOUR_HASH_HERE>'; object-src 'self'",

Rebuild the extension and it should works


A web browser extension starter based on Typescript, React and Webpack made to kickstart your next extension.







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