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Mobile libraries tiles

Vector tiles for the mobile libraries project to be used in web mapping.

How it works

Source data

The Mobile libraries API exposes endpoints to retrieve mobile library stops and trips (route lines between stops) as GeoJSON data.

These are available at:

By default the data is returned as a JSON array, but by passing the 'Accept' header of application/geo+json in the request, the data will return as GeoJSON.

Downloading the data

The two data sources are downloaded using a Python script, This script uses the requests library to download the GeoJSON from the API, and saves it to files in the data directory: stops.geojson and trips.geojson.

Generating the tiles

Tippecanoe is used to convert both the GeoJSON source files to a directory of static tiles within the tiles directory (see

Publishing the tiles

This repository is published as a GitHub pages site (in the Github repository settings), which makes the tiles available in high performance web hosting.

A custom domain is then used to make the tiles available under the domain.

How to use

These vector tiles are made available via GitHub pages and a custom domain.

Use the URL pattern of{z}/{x}/{y}.mvt in your preferred mapping library.

When adding the tiles to a map you will need to specify the layers you want to display. The layers available are:

  • stops
  • trips


The tiles are from data compiled by the public and by public library services. They are licensed under the Open Government Licence.

Code in this repository is available under the MIT Licence.


Vector tiles for the mobile libraries project







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