this project is aimed to integrate spacy nlp service like dependency analysis, named entity recognition, part-of-speech analysis into whoosh,
a traditional search engine written in pure python,
to make people write direct, super easy code to query, match, extract and manipulate nlp parts like an expert.
you can think it as regular-expression with nlp enhanced.
It is shipped with a docker image, packaged with common models from spacy.
Since load model can be time-consuming, it's better to use via a simple web service.
when you send raw text to request, this will return a Base64 version of doc.to_bytes()
you can recover it by following codes:
from spacy.tokens import Doc
doc = nlp("Give it back! He pleaded.")
doc_bytes = doc.to_bytes()
doc2 = Doc(doc.vocab).from_bytes(doc_bytes)
assert doc.text == doc2.text
This can extract common nlp object for further investigation.
there's some nlp object to query.
refer to for more details.
type: doc, word, entity, closure(doubled_closure), chain(doubled_chain) prop: text, pos, text_pos, depth, is_max_depth(is local maximum closure, chain or double-chain), is_double(allow/has two-direction edges flow to a center/ out a center), text_len, token_len, label(entity type), dep, pos_dep, text_pos_dep, span_start, span_end, word_id, word_ids
result may not contain all property to save network bandwidth (and increase search speed, index build time. if your query only need type=doc and text_len<5, then only type, text and text_len is returned.) This is not implemented.