A developer-friendly TypeScript/JavaScript SDK for interacting with EigenDA proxy. This SDK simplifies the process of storing and retrieving data using EigenDA's data availability solution.
npm install eigenda-sdk
- Maximum Blob Size: 2.5MB per blob
- Cost: 0.015 ETH ($60) per GB
Need higher limits or credits for student/indie projects? Contact us
import { EigenDAClient } from 'eigenda-sdk';
// Initialize the client
const client = new EigenDAClient({
apiUrl: 'YOUR_API_URL', // Optional: defaults to mainnet
rpcUrl: 'YOUR_RPC_URL', // Optional: defaults to mainnet
privateKey: 'YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY'
// Upload data
const uploadResult = await client.upload('Hello EigenDA!');
console.log('Upload Job ID:', uploadResult.jobId);
// Check status
const status = await client.getStatus(uploadResult.jobId);
console.log('Status:', status);
// Retrieve data
const data = await client.retrieve({ jobId: uploadResult.jobId });
console.log('Retrieved Data:', data);
- Simple and intuitive API
- TypeScript support
- Comprehensive error handling
- Automatic retries and status checking
- Full type definitions
- Promise-based async/await interface
The main class for interacting with EigenDA.
new EigenDAClient(config?: {
apiUrl?: string;
rpcUrl?: string;
privateKey?: string;
creditsContractAddress?: string;
Upload data to EigenDA.
Check the status of an upload.
Retrieve data from EigenDA.
Get the credit balance for an identifier.
topupCredits(identifier: Uint8Array, amountEth: number): Promise<{ transactionHash: string; status: string }>
Add credits to an identifier.
The SDK includes comprehensive error handling. All methods throw typed errors that extend Error
try {
await client.upload('Hello EigenDA!');
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof EigenDAError) {
console.error('EigenDA Error:', error.message);
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.