Translation files for the Android App Notify me - Notification
If you want to translate the App Notify me, this repository is the right place. Just add a new folder with the language abbreviation ISO 639-1 (here is a list) and translate all the words/texts you can find in the other strings.xml files (e.g. in /values/strings.xml).
With uploading your translations you are giving me all the rights to use/modify/delete them. If you want to remove your translations write me an email.
You can edit translations files (or this README) if you have found any mistakes or you can upload new translations files for a language, which is not existing yet.
Create a GitHub account if you dont have yet
Click Create new file
Name: values-abbreviation/strings.xml (example: values-es/strings.xml for spanish translation. ISO 639-1 abbreviations)
Insert the content of values/strings.xml (or values-de/strings.xml if you can translate it better from german)
Translate all the content
The xml is structure like this:
<string name="key">Value</string>
You only have to translate the "Value". -
Add a title and description at the bottom of the page if you like or need to
Click Propose new file
Click Create pull request
Write a comment if you like or need to
Click Create pull request
- I will take a look at your translation and merge it with the project if everything is fine
- I will add you to the Contributors list (tell me if you dont want that)
- I will add your translation in the next "Notify me" App update so that you can use your translation