Ride-my App is a carpooling application that provides drivers with the ability to create ride offers and passengers to join the available ride offers.
Getting Started
- Clone the repository to your machine; *https://github.com/LarryTheGeek/ride_my_way_v2.git
- Open the repo with an IDE of your choice as a project.
_ Python 3 _ Virtual environment. _ Flask _ flask rest-plus _ Postman
- Browser of your choice
- Open cmd. In the root directory folder;
- Run the command: virtualenv venv -p python3.6, to create a virtual
- environment with the name venv. Folder with the name venv will created.
_ Activate the virtual environment by moving to the Script directory i.e. cd venv\Scripts, and running activate.
linux and mac
_ Activate the virtual environment by running the command: source /venv/bin/activate
Application Requirements
_ The application requirements are clearly listed in the requirents.txt document. _ To install them run the following cmd command: _ pip install -r requirements.txt
_ GET api/v1/rides Get all Rides
_ GET api/vi/rides/{ride_id} Get a specific ride
_ DELETE api/v1/rides/{ride_id} Delete ride
_ POST api/v1//rides Add a ride
_ POST api/v1/rides/{ride_id}/requests Request to join a ride
_ PUT api/v1/rides/{ride_id} Edit ride details
_ POST api/v1/users Register users
_ POST api/v1/users Get all users
_ DELETE api/v1/users/{username} Delete a user
The above endpoints can be tested by Postman.
Running Of Tests
Running of tests can be done by using pytest and unittest. run
Version Control
_This was done by GitHub
Github link
Heroku ...
Larry Karani
This project is licensed under the MIT License