A Last.fm scrobbler via MPRIS2 in Linux, implemented via pylast and mpris2
Modified based on dbus-scrobbler
scrobble music to Last.fm if one of the conditions are met:
- played for 4 mins
- played for half the length
update now playing status
offline scrobble cache support
MPRIS (Media Player Remote Interfacing Specification) is a standard D-Bus (Desktop Bus) interface that allows applications to communicate with and control media players running on a Linux desktop environment.
Thus, this scrobbler is a general-purpose one under the Linux desktop environment, supporting scrobble music from media players without a built-in Last.fm scrobbling feature.
Check if your media player supports MPRIS2 via (make sure the player is running):
lastfm-mpris2-scrobbler --list-players
The uri names of players will be shown
Prerequisite libraries: libglib2.0-dev and libdbus-1-dev, as mentioned in this issue
There're two options available now:
grab the stand-alone binary from release page
or, via PyPI
pip install lastfm-mpris2-scrobbler
The program expects a config.yaml
file and can be placed wherever you like, for example ~/.config/lastfm-mpris2-scrobbler/
Example and detailed information can be found in config.yaml.example
# username for that service
user_name: foo
# md5 hash of your password (obtained via `echo -n password | md5sum`)
password_hash: abc123492abccf4f1997f7ccaabc123b
# last.fm api, which can be created via https://www.last.fm/api/account/create
api_key: 11111111111111111111111111111111
api_secret: 11111111111111111111111111111111
# the app's uri you want to scrobble
# use `lastfm-mpris2-scrobbler --list-players` to check the uri name
application_whitelist: [ "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.harmonoid" ]
# by default, scrobbler will upload if the track has been played for 4 * 60 seconds or half the total length
scrobble_time_threshold: 240
# app's log level
log_level: DEBUG
lastfm-mpris2-scrobbler -c PATH_TO_YOUR_CONFIG/config.yaml
For more options, see:
lastfm-mpris2-scrobbler --help
If you want to run it as a daemon service, here's a systemd service in user space for reference:
Description=Last.fm scrobbler via MPRIS2
ExecStart=PATH_TO_YOUR_BIN/lastfm-mpris2-scrobbler -c PATH_TO_YOUR_CONFIG/config.yaml
You'll have to place the service file under ~/.config/systemd/user/
and name it like scrobbler.service
To run the daemon:
systemctl --user start scrobbler.service
To run at user login:
systemctl --user enable scrobbler.service
If you'd like a scrobbler similar to this, there're some choices. I recommand taking a look at scrobblez. It additionally provides Spotify related improvement, but doesn't provide stand-alone binary build for installation.
Also, although rescrobbled may also work, in my case it raised "Dbus error: argument type mismatch".
If the music title contains unwanted substring (like.mp3
), then Last.fm won't accept the scrobbleThe program can now remove some of the unwanted substrings, including: