Hello my name is Aguel Satria Wijaya. In the internet you can know me as LERUfic or iMBack. But usually I go with LERUfic as my main internet name.
My Website
I like programming since 2nd grade junior high school where I made simple antivirus using md5 and also created a password manager. Those programs I created using visual basic 6.0. Later my friend introduced me with garuda OS. It's one of the linux distro with built-in wine to run windows's programs. Then I learned using linux from some books because in my country that time the internet is so pricey. Then installed ubuntu from CD and tried a lot of things. And in my high school I learned C, pascal, html-php and tried dual-booted my laptop with windows and ubuntu. In my last year of high school I am totally using linux as my main OS (linux mint) until my 3rd year of college before switching to macOS (UNIX for life).
The things that interest me:
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Virtual Machine
- Linux
- DevOps
- Fullstack Developer of PPDB Surabaya 2018
- Fullstack Developer of EVote Pemilihan Rektor Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember 2019
- Fullstack Developer of PPDB Surabaya 2019
Intern & Job
- Intern
- System Engineer Intern @ DPTSI Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
- Job
- 2022-now Site Reliability Engineer @ Ajaib
- 2020-2022 Backend Engineer @ PT. Inosoft Trans Sistem