Installs and configures Airflow workflow management platform. More information about Airflow can be found here:
Ubuntu (Tested on 14.04). CentOS (Tested on 7.2).
The Airflow all and oracle packages are not supported, this is due the Oracle package having dependencies which cannot be automatically installed. I will look how to solve this and add support for those packages at later stage.
- Use the relevant cookbooks to install and configure Airflow.
- Use environment variable in /etc/default/airflow (for Ubuntu) or /etc/sysconfig/airflow (for CentOS) to configure Airflow during the startup process. (More info about Airflow environment variables at: Setting Configuration Options)
- Make sure to run airflow initdb as part of your startup script.
- default - Installs and configures Airflow.
- webserver - Configures service for webserver.
- scheduler - Configures service for scheduler.
- worker - Configures service for worker.
- flower - Configures service for flower.
- kerberos - Configures service for kerberos.
- airflow - Used by the default recipe for installing and configuring Airflow.
- ["airflow"]["version"] = The version of airflow to install, defaults to latest (nil).
- ["airflow"]["user"] - The user Airflow is executed with and owner of all related folders.
- ["airflow"]["group"] - Airflow user group.
- ["airflow"]["user_uid"] - Airflow user uid
- ["airflow"]["group_gid"] - Airflow group gid
- ["airflow"]["user_home_directory"] - Airflow user home directory.
- ["airflow"]["shell"] - Airflow user shell.
- ["airflow"]["directories_mode"] - The permissions airflow and user directories are created.
- ["airflow"]["config_file_mode"] - The permissions airflow.cfg is created.
- ["airflow"]["bin_path"] - Path to the bin folder, default is based on platform.
- ["airflow"]["run_path"] - Pid files base directory
- ["airflow"]["init_system"] - The init system to use when configuring services, only upstart or systemd are supported and defaults based on platfrom.
This cookbook enables to configure any airflow.cfg paramters dynamically by using attributes structure like (see the attributes file for airflow.cfg examples): ["airflow"]["config"]["CONFIG_SECTION"]["CONFIG_ENTRY"]
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