The Project build status and other details:
Short troduction into the topic of self-organizing production planning and controll and showcase of MATE. Comunity Standup of Akka.Net on from 13.04.2021
#Project structure
Provides basic webinterface on ASP.Net for showcase purpose
Provides database and initializer for basic schema and primary data, as it is build as "code-first" with Entity Framework
Provides a small CLI that acts as headless runtime, used for remote deployment that register themself as worker for the Hangfire module.
Actor simulation runtime that can be initalized as self-irganized, distributed or central organized system to validate production planning algorithms using tertiary objectives
Immutable message definitions for the actor system.
Provides online and offline test for the project. Be aware that some of them are not used as intended ;).
- Install Visual Studio (works with Visual Studio Community 2022 17.1) with default components and also make sure to have:
- .NET 6.0 Runtime
- F#
- SQL Server Express 2019 LocalDB
- ASP Web-Development
- Clone repository
- If localDb shall be used (which is the default case for Windows user) - set it via command line with: setx UseLocalDb true
- Open Visual Studio and go to Mate/libman.json. Left click and "Restore Client-Side Libraries"
- Done - Run the project
To reset database: run the unit test: Mate.Test.SimulationEnvironment.AgentSystem.ResetAllDatabase (Delete and Create all DBs)
- 2018 - An Approach to a Self-organizing Production in Comparison to a Centrally Planned Production
- 2020 - SOBA: A Self-Organizing Bucket Architecture to Reduce Setup Times in an Event-Driven Production
- 2021 - Agent-based Decentral Production Planning and Control: A New Approach for Multi-resource Scheduling
- 2021 - Suitability of Self-Organization for Different Types of Production