List of pertinent projects:
- Exploratory Data Analysis of Subset of QM-9 Dataset Analysis
- Analysis of Meat Consumption
- Analysis of Shopping Trends
- Visualization of COVID-19 Data
- Class assignment of resampling methods
- Iris EDA
In this directory, I plan to talk about some projects that I have done.
I am a Masters Student in Computational Science at Central Washington University, where I am focusing on natural language methods in chemistry, I also have a MS in theoretical and computational chemistry from University of Washington.
I have taken quite a few classes in the realm of Data Science, Chemistry, and Computer Science. Of note these are:
1. Applied Linear Algebra & Numerical Analysis
2. Data Science and Materials Informatics
3. Big Data for Materials Science
4. Database Management Systems
5. Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
6. Computational Statistics
7. Data and Information Visualization
And I am currently taking:
- Algorithm Analysis
- Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning
From these, I have learned a lot about data analysis, data science, databases, software and algorithms, along with exploration of (scientific) data and hypothesis generation and testing.