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CheryX edited this page Mar 2, 2023 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the KPL (Kochanowski Programming Language) documentation!

If you don't speak Polish please consider learning another language.

KPL is a "meme"-level programming language, which means it is not meant for serious software development. If you have any experience with programming you may find this language odd and extremely unpractical.

In this documentation, we'll cover the basics of KPL syntax and how to use it to create simple programs.


Note Don't follow this tutorial until v0.5 releases.

You can either install KPL as a node.js module on your computer or use this website, although the online IDE doesn't support CLI or dividing code into multiple files.


If you want to enjoy the fullest of KPL, make sure you have node.js installed, along with npm. Insert this command into your favourite shell to install KPL:

npm install -g kochanowski.js

Project Configuration

Create a directory for your project, and run the following command to initialize a basic structure of a KPL project:

npx kochanowski init

Writing code and running

Before you learn the language, you can just copy-paste this example "Hello World" to make sure your project is working as it should:

Zdefiniuj funkcję o nazwie Suma z argumentami [A, B] {
    Zwróć A plus B

Suma z argumentami [1, 2]

After saving the file with a .pl extension run it using:

npx kochanowski run [filename].pl
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