A github action to create a kubernetes cluster in your CI VM for both linux & windows. Also has cmdline to copy and paste for other CI platforms.
For linux you can reference k3s environment variables on setting additional parameters
- uses: knicknic/temp-kubernetes-ci@v1
Simply copy the below code snippet to get the latest version of the code
releaseVersion=$(curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/knicknic/temp-kubernetes-ci/releases/latest" | grep -Po '"tag_name": "\K.*?(?=")')
curl -sSL "https://github.com/KnicKnic/temp-kubernetes-ci/releases/download/$releaseVersion/linux.sh" | sh
$request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create('https://github.com/KnicKnic/temp-kubernetes-ci/releases/latest')
$response = $request.GetResponse()
$tag = $response.ResponseUri.OriginalString.split('/')[-1]
$url = "https://github.com/KnicKnic/temp-kubernetes-ci/releases/download/$tag/windows.ps1"
$filePath = join-path $env:temp windows.ps1
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $filePath
& $filePath
When dealing with kubernetes you end up wanting to test against an actual kubernetes cluster.
- Test your deployment files / helm charts actually deploy your app correctly
- Test the controller you wrote against an actual kubernetes api server
file | description |
index.js | determines what os and launches either linux.sh or windows.ps1 to install k3s |
linux.sh | script to install k3s on linux |
windows.ps1 | script to install k3s on windows |
Figure out how to install k3s on linux and write a script to do soFigure out how to install k3s on windows and write a script to do soSee k3s-io/k3s#1618 for some info & a branch to start from
Convert script to Github ActionConvert script to azure devops custom task - see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/extend/develop/integrate-build-task?view=azure-devopsFind out if there is a market place for custom tasks like their is for github actions
- Write a dynamic storage provisioner for windows folders (enables windows to fufill PVCs)
- take https://github.com/KnicKnic/K8s-Storage-Plugins/tree/new_new and add a flexprovisioner & flexvolume that are just windows folders
- take https://github.com/rancher/local-path-provisioner and get that to work with windows
- This will also probably require csi proxy, which we could embed into k3s or run standalone
Publish docs so generic CI platforms can useWrite a load balancer for windows, equivalent of https://github.com/rancher/klipper-lb- Integrate linux with k3d to allow multiple linux nodes for a more realistic user scenario
- K3s fork that this code is based off of - https://github.com/KnicKnic/k3s/tree/k3s_run_windows_node_8
- Azure Devops extension - https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=k3sCIPublisher.runk3sinci&ssr=false#overview
- Cross platform example / demo that uses this extension https://github.com/KnicKnic/powershell-webserver
npm i -g @vercel/ncc@0.26.2
npm install
ncc build index.js