Did you know that DoD accepts server headers? 😲 (example: apache"version" , php"version") ?
In this code it is possible to extract all headers from the URLS. Tracking versions and being able to report as cwe-200 on hackerone.
the 200dds file is an example:
You can put your list of treated URLS.
git clone https://github.com/KingOfBugbounty/Discovery-Header-Bug-Bounty.git
cd Discovery-Header-Bug-Bounty
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 searchHEADER.py -h
usage: searchHEADER.py [-h] help
positional arguments:
help Run to code = python3 searchHEADER.py FileToUrls
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit