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Notes for archiving this repository

Due to domain validation issues, "" cannot be connected to the github page of this repository. "neu-srg/" which is a part of the official Northeastern University github organization will be used to host the website for "".

Setting up and testing jekyll locally (Debian/Ubuntu).

  1. Install ruby and ruby-dev
$ sudo apt -y install ruby ruby-dev
  1. Set gem paths:
$ echo 'export GEM_HOME=$HOME/gems' >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo 'export PATH=$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
  1. Install bundler jekyll and rails
$ gem install bundler jekyll rails
  1. Go to the directory of the webpage and initialize.
$ cd [path to srg-web]
$ bundle init
$ bundle add jekyll
$ bundle install
  1. Note that the baseurl in the _config.yml file for deployment and local testing should be configured differently: "/" for deployment and "" for local testing. The yml file is configured with baseurl "/".

  2. To test the webpage locally use the command below. Note that the baseurl in the _config.yml file is overridden using --baseurl "".

$ bundle exec jekyll serve --config _config.yml --baseurl ""
Server address:
  1. On your local browser use the address from the output to access the page.

Adding seminar information entry

  • The seminar information should be added as a file in the _seminars directory.
  • The easiest way is to copy an existing file in this directory and modifying the file name and the file contents.
    • The file name should be "YYYY-MM-DD-[Speaker's name].md" where YYYY-MM-DD corresponds to the seminar date.
    • The file contains a header (or Jekyll front matter) with multiple fields, abstract, and bio. Modify the fields and contents of the abstract and the bio. The "online" field should be filled with either YES or NO.

Making changes to the group members

  • The group member information is in the _data directory as tsv (tab separated values) files.
  • The first row of each file shows the attribute names of the members in the file.
  • Add/remove/modify the information about group members following the existing tsv format.
  • The profile photos should be stored in images/faculty and images/students directories. Image file names in these directories should be referenced in the tsv files in the _data directory to link the photo to the profile.