You'll want to read this entire document before beginning the project. Please ask any questions you have on Piazza, but only if this README does not answer your question.
Finally, this is a large project. Be sure to start early. If you wait until a few days before the due date, you are unlikely to finish in time.
For this project, you will implement a UNIX Shell (similar to shells
Like bash
), using the C programming language. The shell serves as
the user interface of an operating system, and some shells provide
additonal functionality, such as scripting.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the system call ABI to UNIX systems by writing a program
which uses system calls such as
, and more. - Become familiar with UNIX file descriptors, both associated to files on the filesystem and to pipes, by implementing a shell which supports pipelines, file input, file output, and file appending.
- Sharpen systems programming skills by working on a large project.
Here are the important deadlines for you to know:
Deliverable | Due Date |
Deliverable 1 | Check Canvas Assignment |
Deliverable 2 | Check Canvas Assignment |
The function of multiple deliverables is to prevent you from falling behind on this large project. Please note:
- Solutions to D1 will not be provided after the due date. You are expected to make D2 function on-top of your own work from D1.
- It is recommended to finish D1 significantly before the provided due date so that you can get a head-start on D2. D2 is much more difficult than D1.
Using the starter code is not a requirement of this project. You are free to discard any amount of the starter code, as long as your final project conforms to the requirements outlined here.
General requirements for all deliverables:
- You are free to develop your code in whichever environment you like, but the code you submit code must compile and function on Gradescope.
- Your code must be written using only the C programming language. Do not extend using additional languages. The exception is for the Makefile for your project, you may write the build system for your code using any available language on Isengard.
- To compile your code, the grader should be able to
into your repository and runmake
. To run your code, the grader should be able to type./shell
. - Your code cannot depend on any shells installed on the system, such
, or/usr/bin/zsh
, except at build time. As a corollary to this, you may not use thesystem(3)
library functions, as these depend on the availability of a system shell. - Your code should not assume that system calls succeed. Always, always, always, check the return code from system calls, and print an error message where appropriate.
- You should follow good code formatting and software engineering practices. This includes avoiding monolithic functions, freeing heap memory you allocate, writing comments where appropriate, and following The Linux Kernel Style Guide.
The specific requirements, as well as the associated deliverable, are outlined below. Every requirement is prefixed with [D1] or [D2] to indicate the corresponding deliverable it must be working by.
All functionality due in Deliverable 1 must continue to function when you submit Deliverable 2. Points will be deducted from your Deliverable 2 grade if features have regressed that you submitted with Deliverable 1.
Should you choose to go without starter code (or discard portions of it), all functionality provided by the starter code is due with the first deliverable, with the exception of the "history" and "help" builtin commands, noted below.
Through this document, the term whitespaces or whitespace characters refers to any of the following characters:
- Spaces
- Tabs
- Newlines
- Carriage returns
- Vertical tabs
- Form feeds
The term word characters refers to any characters which are not
whitespace characters, nor >
, <
, or |
If you are using all of the starter code, this is likely to be the first thing you implement.
[D1] When the user types a command which is not known as a builtin to
the shell, the shell should find the command in the PATH
execute the command using fork(2)
and execve(2)
. You may use
any of the exec*
family of library functions (such as
) to help you find the command in the PATH
executing it, if you wish.
[D1] The shell should wait on the external command finishing before
returning to the prompt. As an example, you should be able to type
, the editor will open, and you won't get your shell prompt
again until the editor is closed. See man 2 wait
for info on how
to do this.
[D2] Your shell should be able to handle an arbitrary number of commands piped together. For example:
command1 | command2 | command3 | command4 command1 arg1 arg2 | command2 | command3 arg1 arg2 command1 < inputfile | command2 | command3 > outputfile
For an example of a real piped command, try this (which gives the
number of lines in mains/parseview.c
which contain the word
cat mains/parseview.c | grep int | cat
Or maybe use cat
on a previous command:
date | cat | cat | cat
For this command, you should get the current date (assuming your shell handles pipes properly).
You may not make use of temporary files in your implementation of
pipes. This means you are going to have to use the pipe(2)
system call.
Additionally, you are not expected to support more than
bytes sent between two processes. On Isengard, this
value is 64 kilobytes.
[D2] Your code must handle file redirection using >
(overwrite to
a file), >>
(append to a file), or <
(input from a file).
For example:
command > file-to-write-or-overwrite.txt command >> file-to-append-to.txt command < file-to-get-input-from-as-stdin.txt
[D2] For >
and >>
, you should create the file if it does not
[D2] You should support <
at the beginning of a pipeline, and
or >
at the end of a pipeline.
[D2] Think carefully about the permissions you create files with. With
, you provide the value which gets paired with
. What number should you use for files then? (Hint: files
should not have the executable bit set)
The general operation of your shell should consist of the following:
- Initialize the last exit status to
. - Use the
function to accept a command on input. The prompt string passed to thereadline
function is described below. Ifreadline
(EOF), your shell should behave as ifexit
was typed. - If the line is blank, or consists of only whitespaces, goto step 2.
- Execute the command, and wait until completion of the command.
- Update the last exit status to reflect the result of the command.
- If the command typed was the
builtin (see below), your shell should exit, returning either the provided exit status from your process, or the last exit status if none was provided. - Goto step 2.
The starter code in this project implements the loop above for you
in src/interact.c
. This specification would be necessary if
you chose to discard any portion of the provided starter code.
If you plan on using all of the starter code, it is highly recommended you read through the following sections, but things won't be very interesting until the "External Commands" section.
The prompt should be entirely on one line (no newline characters), and
must contain :)
if the last exit status was zero, or :(
if the
last exit status was non-zero.
The prompt must end with $
, followed by a single space.
You can include any additional text in the prompt as you wish, so as long as the above requirements are held true.
The starter code implements the prompt functionality in
, and provides the following pre-implemented
prompt line, which meets the above requirements:
- Username
symbol- Hostname
- Space
- Current working directory
- Space
- Space
symbol- Space
The input consists of a pipeline. A pipeline is one or more
commands chained together by a |
character. Note: the |
character may be surrounded by zero or more whitespace characters on
either side.
A command consists of one or more ordered arguments, each of which
is a sequence of one or more word characters. The special prefix
operators >
, >>
, and <
consume the following argument, and
designate the file path a truncated output, appended output, or input
file respectively.
Note that these prefix operators may appear at the beginning, in the middle of, or at the end of the arguments list.
It is invalid to specify a command for which any of the following scenarios apply:
- The command has mutiple input files.
- The command has an input file, but is not the first command in a pipeline.
- The command has multiple output files (either truncated or appeneded).
- The command has an output file, but is not the last command in a pipeline.
The following are valid example commands:
arg1 arg2
arg1 arg2 >outfile <infile
< infile arg1 >outfile arg2
arg1 arg2 arg3 < input_file arg4 | cmd2_arg1 >> append_file
For Deliverable 1 only...
You may assume the characters |
, <
, and >
do not appear
in the input.
The starter code already implements (and uses) an input parser for
you. The documentation for this parser can be found in
Regardless of whether you choose to use our provided input parser
or develop your own, it is recommended that you observe the
interpretation of the above examples and more using the provided
program in the starter code.
Builtin commands are commands supported by the shell which do not require running an external program.
For all bulitin commands, if the user provides an invalid input
(such as incorrect number of arguments, provides a non-existent file
or directory, etc.), your shell should print an approprite error
message on stderr
and indicate the command failure status in the
All required builtin commands are implemented in the starter code
(in src/shell_builtins.c
) for you already. This is provided
for reference if you decide to not use that portion of the starter
The provided starter code also implements history
and help
builtin commands. It is not required that you implement these. You
are free to discard these commands if you don't want them.
Finally, builtin commands do not need to work with pipelines of more than a single command, nor input or output files.
The exit
command takes zero or one arguments. If zero, the shell
should exit with the last return code. If one argument is passed, it
should be a number indicating the exit code to exit with.
The cd
command takes one argument, the directory to change
to, which can be a relative or absolute path.
If cd
is called with no arguments, it should change to your home
directory (as specified by the HOME
environment variable).
The starter code provides an input loop, input parser, and builtin commands, well as a Makefile, but does not dictate how you should structure the code for external commands, pipelines, or redirection.
It's up to you to break your code into useful helper functions, or even separate files entirely.
You'll want to start taking a look at src/dispatcher.c
, where
will be the entry point into your
code. If you do it right, hopefully you'll find that
turns out to just be a very short
function that calls out to some of your other functions that you've
If you are just opening the starter code and want to look for somewhere to start, try this:
- Run
and observe the output directories and where the programs end up. - Run
. Observe the working builtin commands, and what happens if you try to run an external command. - Run
and type some commands. Each output shows the resultantstruct command
structure than you'll get atdispatch_external_command
. Use this tool to rationalize the meaning of each of the fields in the struct. - Open the
, read thru the comments in there. - Start hacking away at
Each deliverable is 50% of the grade. For each deliverable, you'll be graded on:
- Functionality (the specific features we ask for in this document). This is most of the grade.
- Code Quality
- Follows Linux Kernel Style Guide.
- Useful error messages are printed to
when a system call fails. - All opened files are closed before your program exits.
- All heap memory allocated explicitly is freed with
. - Memory safety:
, andstrcpy
are not used.- Corruption impossible.
- No segmentation faults.
- Avoids monolithic functions. Makes good use of helper functions.
- Correct Submission
- Code compiles without errors (note: you will receieve a zero on functionality as well if this is not true)
- Code submitted with
- For D2 only: no regressed features from D1.
You will receive a zero on the project if your code anyhow depends
on one of the system shells. Do not use system()
: these depend on the system shells.
- Don't forget the man pages! System functions are under
man 2
, and library functions underman 3
. - The book from the reading (Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment) is available in the ALAMODE Lab. It is an excellent resource for this project.
- Please attend office hours if you find yourself falling behind. Don't wait until the last week to seek help.
This is an team project. All code you submit should be written by yourself and/or your teammate. You should not share your code with others.
Please see the syllabus for the full collaboration policy.
Plagarism will be punished harshly!
Remote access to Isengard is quite similar to ALAMODE, but the
hostname is
For example, to ssh
into the machine with your campus MultiPass
login, use this command:
$ ssh [email protected]
Note: you need to be on the campus network or VPN for this to work.
If you are working from home, use either the VPN or hop thru
Submission of your project will be handled via Gradescope.
Create the submission file using the provided
script:prompt> ./make-submission
This will create a
file named$USER-submission
(e.g., for me, this would be
).Submit this
file to Gradescope. You will get a confirmation email if you did this correctly.
You can re-submit as many times as you want before the due date, but note the project will not be graded until a few days after the due date, NOT on-submission (similar to Canvas).
You are REQUIRED to use make-submission
to form the .zip
file. Failure to do so
may cause your program to not compile on Gradescope. A penalty to your grade will be applied
if you need to resubmit due to compilation issues stemming from not using this script.