ChIP-chip processing pipeline for Tonner et al. "A regulatory hierarchy controls the dynamic transcriptional response to extreme oxidative stress in archaea."
- This repository contains the code necessary to recereate table S2 from the manuscript
- Raw data file can be downloaded from GEO: GSE58696
- R (version 2.5 recommended) - knitr, MeDiChI (available here:
- download raw data from GEO, and unpack the data to data/chip
- run the command 'R CMD Sweave preprocessing_0258_all_none_densityLoess_max100.Rnw'
- Download table S5 from Sharma et al. BMC Genomics 2012, and save 'all_data_H2O2' as data/rosr_h2o2_exp.csv
- from R, run 'knit2html(rosr-timcourse-analysis.Rmd)' with the knitr package