This is a site created to host the songs and display details of live events for the artist Oytun.
- Python: 3.7.1
- Psql
# Create python environment
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Set up and seed database
. scripts/
python oytun_music/ migrate
. scripts/
. scripts/
# Run the local server
python oytun_music/ runserver
The site will be available at
The admin panel of the site will be available at and can be accessible with the following credentials:
- Username =
- Password =
The psql database is named oytun_music
and will be accessible with the following credentials:
- Username =
- Password =
- Create or update a model
- Run
./ makemigrations music
- Run
./ migrate music
. scripts/
. scripts/
export PGPASSWORD=development_password_only
psql -h localhost -d oytun_music -U oytun_music -p 5432
python oytun_music/ sqlmigrate music 0001
python oytun_music/ showmigrations