Dataset :Kaagle-
So far we've trained for 3 diseases Brown_rust,Yellow_rust,Septoria Diseases In Wheat Plant
Disease Classes: Aphid [Pest] Mite [Pest] Stem Fly [Pest] Rusts Black Rust / Stem Rust Brown Rust / Leaf Rust Yellow Rust / Stripe Rust Smut (Loose, Flag) Common Root Rot Helminthosporium Leaf Blight / Leaf Blight Wheat Blast Fusarium head blight / Scab Septoria Leaf Blotch Spot Blotch Tan Spot Powdery Mildew
Datset For the above diseases is-
Model Used is CNN Sequential Model Image Size-256 Batch Size-32 No of Epoch-10 Accuracy:93% Commands: $pip install flask $python
Base Papers:
Run the model so the pre-trained model get downloaded in .h5 format use the pre-trained model to detect the diseases.