Chr.Avro is an Avro implementation for .NET. It’s designed to serve as a flexible alternative to the Apache implementation and integrate seamlessly with Confluent’s Kafka and Schema Registry clients.
- Chr.Avro: schema models, type resolution, and schema builder
- Chr.Avro.Binary: binary serialization implementation
- Chr.Avro.Cli: command line interface
- Chr.Avro.Codegen: experimental C# code generation
- Chr.Avro.Confluent: serializers/deserializers and glue
- Chr.Avro.Json: JSON schema representation
For more information, check out the documentation.
To use the command line interface: Install Chr.Avro.Cli as a global tool:
$ dotnet tool install Chr.Avro.Cli --global
You can invoke the tool using the following command: dotnet-avro
Tool 'chr.avro.cli' (version '7.1.0') was successfully installed.
$ dotnet avro help
Chr.Avro 7.1.0
To use the Kafka producer/consumer builders in your project: Add Chr.Avro.Confluent as a project dependency. After that, check out this guide or read on for some other examples.
The CLI can be used to generate Avro schemas for .NET types (both built-in and from compiled assemblies):
$ dotnet avro create -t System.Int32
$ dotnet avro create -t System.Decimal
$ dotnet avro create -a out/example.dll -t ExampleRecord
It can also verify that a .NET type can be mapped to a Schema Registry schema (useful for both development and CI):
$ dotnet avro registry-test -a out/example.dll -t ExampleRecord -r http://registry:8081 -i 242
A deserializer cannot be created for ExampleRecord: ExampleRecord does not have a field or property that matches the correlation_id field on example_record.
Extensions to the Confluent.Kafka ProducerBuilder
and ConsumerBuilder
configure Kafka clients to produce and consume Avro-encoded CLR objects:
using Chr.Avro.Confluent;
using Confluent.Kafka;
using Confluent.SchemaRegistry;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Example
class ExampleRecord
public Guid CorrelationId { get; set; }
public DateTime Timestamp { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var consumerConfig = new ConsumerConfig()
BootstrapServers = "broker1:9092,broker2:9092",
GroupId = "example_consumer_group"
var registryConfig = new SchemaRegistryConfig()
SchemaRegistryUrl = "http://registry:8081"
var builder = new ConsumerBuilder<string, ExampleRecord>(consumerConfig);
using (var registry = new CachedSchemaRegistryClient(registryConfig))
using (var consumer = builder.Build())
var result = consumer.Consume(CancellationToken.None);
Console.WriteLine($"Consumed message! {result.Key}: {result.Value.Timestamp}");
Under the hood, SchemaBuilder
is responsible for generating schemas from CLR types:
using Chr.Avro.Abstract;
using Chr.Avro.Representation;
using System;
namespace Example
enum Fear
struct FullName
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
class Person
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public Fear GreatestFear { get; set; }
public FullName Name { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var builder = new SchemaBuilder();
var writer = new JsonSchemaWriter();
// "double"
// "string"
// {"name":"Fear","type":"enum","symbols":["Bears","Children","Haskell"]}
// {"name":"Person","type":"record"...}
Check out the contribution guidelines prior to opening an issue or creating a pull request. More information about the benchmark applications and documentation site can be found in their respective directories.
Cake handles all tasks related to building and publishing the Chr.Avro libraries and CLI. This repository doesn’t include bootstrapper scripts; installing and running Cake as a global tool is recommended:
$ dotnet tool install Cake.Tool --global
You can invoke the tool using the following command: dotnet-cake
Tool 'cake.tool' (version '0.35.0') was successfully installed.
$ dotnet cake build.cake --target=Pack
The following targets are supported:
Name | Description |
Analyze | runs mdoc on the library projects and writes the results to docs/api |
Benchmark | runs the benchmark applications and writes the results to docs/benchmarks |
Build | builds all projects |
Clean | removes all build, documentation, and release artifacts |
Pack | creates NuGet packages for the library projects |
Publish | pushes packages to NuGet |
Test | runs the test projects |