Git source for blink.cmp
completion plugin. This makes it possible to query pull requests, issues,
and users from GitHub or GitLab. This is very useful when you are writing a commit with nvim
Use #
to search for issues and pull requests (!
for gitlab
's merge requests):
Use :
to search for commits:
Use @
to search for users:
is required for default configurations.
is required for the github
related features.
is required for the gitlab
related features.
Run checkhealth blink-cmp-git
to check the requirements.
Add the plugin to your packer managers, and make sure it is loaded before blink.cmp
dependencies = {
dependencies = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' }
-- ... other dependencies
opts = {
sources = {
-- add 'git' to the list
default = { 'git', 'dictionary', 'lsp', 'path', 'luasnip', 'buffer' },
providers = {
git = {
module = 'blink-cmp-git',
name = 'Git',
opts = {
-- options for the blink-cmp-git
git = {
module = 'blink-cmp-git',
name = 'Git',
-- only enable this source when filetype is gitcommit, markdown, or 'octo'
enabled = function()
return vim.tbl_contains({ 'octo', 'gitcommit', 'markdown' },
--- @module 'blink-cmp-git'
--- @type blink-cmp-git.Options
opts = {
commit = {
-- You may want to customize when it should be enabled
-- The default will enable this when `git` is found and `cwd` is in a git repository
-- enable = function() end
-- You may want to change the triggers
-- triggers = { ':' },
git_centers = {
github = {
-- Those below have the same fields with `commit`
-- Those features will be enabled when `git` and `gh` (or `curl`) are found and
-- remote contains ``
-- issue = {
-- get_token = function() return '' end,
-- },
-- pull_request = {
-- get_token = function() return '' end,
-- },
-- mention = {
-- get_token = function() return '' end,
-- get_documentation = function(item)
-- local default = require('blink-cmp-git.default.github')
-- .mention.get_documentation(item)
-- default.get_token = function() return '' end
-- return default
-- end
-- }
gitlab = {
-- Those below have the same fields with `commit`
-- Those features will be enabled when `git` and `glab` (or `curl`) are found and
-- remote contains ``
-- issue = {
-- get_token = function() return '' end,
-- },
-- NOTE:
-- Even for `gitlab`, you should use `pull_request` rather than`merge_request`
-- pull_request = {
-- get_token = function() return '' end,
-- },
-- mention = {
-- get_token = function() return '' end,
-- get_documentation = function(item)
-- local default = require('blink-cmp-git.default.gitlab')
-- .mention.get_documentation(item)
-- default.get_token = function() return '' end
-- return default
-- end
-- }
The configuration above will enable the blink-cmp-git
for blink.cmp
and show the items
when the file's type is gitcommit
or markdown
. By default, blink-cmp-git
will pre-cache
everything when it is created. To enable blink-cmp-git
all the time makes it possible to
pre-cache when you enter insert mode or other mode you can input
will create sources when you can input something).
The default configuration will use curl
when gh
or glab
is not found.
For github
users, if you customize the get_token
, you should see those below to know
which permissions are required:
For gitlab
users, see PAT
to know how to get the token.
For octo.nvim users, blink-cmp-git
supports it.
By default, when you are in a octo
file, blink-cmp-git
will use the octo
path to get the owner
and repo
to fetch the items.
There are many cases will make the cache out of date. For example,
if your cwd
is in a repository, later you switch your cwd
to another repository, the cache
will use the first repository's result. To solve this problem, there is a command to
reload the cache: BlinkCmpGitReloadCache
. This command will clear all the cache and if
is enabled (default to true
), it will pre-cache again.
will create a auto command which uses should_reload_cache
to determine
whether or not to reload cache when entering insert mode.
The default should_reload_cache
will return true
when detecting another git
from octo
or cwd
The command will be available only when the blink-cmp-git
source is created. Usually,
the source will be created when it is enabled and you are in some mode you can input.
See default.lua.
Because all features have same fields, I'll use commit
as an example.
The blink-cmp-git
will first run command from get_command
and get_command_args
. The standout
of the command will be passed to separate_output
. So if you want to customize the completion
items, you should be aware of what the output of your command looks like.
In most situations, you just need to customize
, get_kind_name
, get_insert_text
and get_documentation
. Before you customize them,
you should be aware of what the item looks like. See item to know what them look like.
The commit item looks like this below:
commit 0216336d8ff00d7b8c9304b23bcca31cbfcdf2c8
Author: Kaiser-Yang <[email protected]>
AuthorDate: Sun Jan 12 14:40:38 2025 +0800
Commit: Kaiser-Yang <[email protected]>
CommitDate: Sun Jan 12 14:43:15 2025 +0800
Cache empty documentations
The default getters for commit
git_centers = {
commit = {
-- use the first 7 hash and the first line of the commit message as the label
get_label = function(item)
-- For `octo.nvim` users, the `item` is a table
if type(item) == 'table' then
return item.sha:sub(1, 7) .. ' ' .. item.commit.message:match('([^\n]*)')
return item:match('commit ([^\n]*)'):sub(1, 7) .. ' ' .. item:match('\n\n%s*([^\n]*)')
-- use 'Commit' as the kind name
get_kind_name = function(_)
return 'Commit'
-- use the first 7 hash as the insert text
get_insert_text = function(item)
-- For `octo.nvim` users, the `item` is a table
if type(item) == 'table' then
return item.sha:sub(1, 7)
return item:match('commit ([^\n]*)'):sub(1, 7)
-- use the whole commit message as the documentation
get_documentation = function(item)
-- For `octo.nvim` users, the `item` is a table
if type(item) == 'table' then
'commit ' .. item.sha .. '\n' ..
'Author: ' .. ..
' <' .. .. '>\n' ..
'AuthorDate: ' .. .. '\n' ..
'Commit: ' .. ..
' <' .. .. '>\n' ..
'CommitDate: ' .. .. '\n' ..
return item
-- or you can use `blink-cmp-git.DocumentationCommand` to get the documentation
-- return {
-- -- the command to get the documentation
-- get_command = '',
-- get_command_args = {}
-- -- how to resolve the output
-- resolve_documentation = function(output) return output end
-- }
-- or return nil to disable the documentation
-- return nil
is used by those default options:
Therefore, if you customize the kind_name
, you should customize them too.
From the version v0.2.0
, there is a configuration on_error
for all the GCSCompletionOptions
is a function like func(return_value: number, standard_error: string): boolean
When blink-cmp-git
find a non-zero return value or a non-empty standard error, it will call
with the return value and the standard error. If on_error
returns false
, the error
will be ignored, which means blink-cmp-git
will go on to the next step. When on_error
, blink-cmp-git
will not go on to the next step. The default on_error
is to show the
error message and return true
For example, if you want to disable the error message for commit
you just need to use those below:
commit = {
on_error = function(_, _) return true end
By default, blink-cmp-git
adds a space for every item when you select or accept it. If you don't
want this, you can configure the insert_text_trailing
for each feature. For example, those below
will remove the trailing white spaces for commit
commit = {
-- or you can update it to other contents such as '\n'
insert_text_trailing = ''
Suppose the item in your completion list is like this below:
PR #1 Add a new feature
Highlight Group Name | Description |
BlinkCmpGitKind<kind_name> |
For |
BlinkCmpGitKindIcon<kind_name> |
For PR |
BlinkCmpGitLabel<kind_name>Id |
For #1 |
BlinkCmpGitLabel<kind_name>Rest |
For Add a new feature |
The Id
part is got by seperating the label by whitespaces, if you customize the get_label
you may need to customize the label_highlight
See default.lua to learn how to customize it.
The default <kind_name>
are Commit
, Issue
, PR
, MR
, and Mention
Besides, you can also customize different highlight for open, closed, locked and merged pull requests or issues.
By default, blink-cmp-git
will only fetch the open pull requests or issues. So you should
customize the api
parameters to fetch all states.
See How to customize the APIs?.
Firstly, you should update the get_kind_name
to customize the kind_name
git_centers = {
github = {
pull_request = {
get_kind_name = function(item)
-- openPR, closedPR, mergedPR, draftPR, lockedPR
return item.locked and 'lockedPR' or
item.draft and 'draftPR' or
item.merged_at and 'mergedPR' or
item.state .. 'PR'
issue = {
get_kind_name = function(item)
-- openIssue, reopenedIssue, completedIssue
-- not_plannedIssue, lockedIssue, duplicateIssue
return item.locked and 'lockedIssue' or
(item.state_reason or item.state) .. 'Issue'
gitlab = {
pull_request = {
get_kind_name = function(item)
-- openedPR, closedPR, mergedPR, draftPR, lockedPR
return item.discussion_locked and 'lockedPR' or
item.draft and 'draftPR' or
item.state .. 'PR'
issue = {
get_kind_name = function(item)
-- openedIssue, closedIssue
return item.discussion_locked and 'lockedIssue' or
item.state .. 'Issue'
Then, you can update the icons for the kind_name
kind_icons = {
openPR = '',
openedPR = '',
closedPR = '',
mergedPR = '',
draftPR = '',
lockedPR = '',
openIssue = '',
openedIssue = '',
reopenedIssue = '',
completedIssue = '',
closedIssue = '',
not_plannedIssue = '',
duplicateIssue = '',
lockedIssue = '',
Here is an example for github
-like highlight:
local blink_cmp_kind_name_highlight = {
Commit = { default = false, fg = '#a6e3a1' },
Mention = { default = false, fg = '#a6e3a1' },
openPR = { default = false, fg = '#a6e3a1' },
openedPR = { default = false, fg = '#a6e3a1' },
closedPR = { default = false, fg = '#f38ba8' },
mergedPR = { default = false, fg = '#cba6f7' },
draftPR = { default = false, fg = '#9399b2' },
lockedPR = { default = false, fg = '#f5c2e7' },
openIssue = { default = false, fg = '#a6e3a1' },
openedIssue = { default = false, fg = '#a6e3a1' },
reopenedIssue = { default = false, fg = '#a6e3a1' },
completedIssue = { default = false, fg = '#cba6f7' },
closedIssue = { default = false, fg = '#cba6f7' },
not_plannedIssue = { default = false, fg = '#9399b2' },
duplicateIssue = { default = false, fg = '#9399b2' },
lockedIssue = { default = false, fg = '#f5c2e7' },
for kind_name, hl in pairs(blink_cmp_kind_name_highlight) do
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'BlinkCmpGitKind' .. kind_name, hl)
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'BlinkCmpGitKindIcon' .. kind_name, hl)
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'BlinkCmpGitLabel' .. kind_name .. 'Id', hl)
You may also need to update the configure_score_offset
, otherwise the default may not work as you
expected. There is an example:
local function pr_or_issue_configure_score_offset(items)
-- Bonus to make sure items sorted as below:
local keys = {
-- place `kind_name` here
{ 'openIssue', 'openedIssue', 'reopenedIssue' },
{ 'openPR', 'openedPR' },
{ 'lockedIssue', 'lockedPR' },
{ 'completedIssue' },
{ 'draftPR' },
{ 'mergedPR' },
{ 'closedPR', 'closedIssue', 'not_plannedIssue', 'duplicateIssue' },
local bonus = 999999
local bonus_score = {}
for i = 1, #keys do
for _, key in ipairs(keys[i]) do
bonus_score[key] = bonus * (#keys - i)
for i = 1, #items do
local bonus_key = items[i].kind_name
if bonus_score[bonus_key] then
items[i].score_offset = bonus_score[bonus_key]
-- sort by number when having the same bonus score
local number = items[i].label:match('[#!](%d+)')
if number then
if items[i].score_offset == nil then
items[i].score_offset = 0
items[i].score_offset = items[i].score_offset + tonumber(number)
git_centers = {
github = {
pull_request = {
configure_score_offset = pr_or_issue_configure_score_offset,
issue = {
configure_score_offset = pr_or_issue_configure_score_offset,
gitlab = {
pull_request = {
configure_score_offset = pr_or_issue_configure_score_offset,
issue = {
configure_score_offset = pr_or_issue_configure_score_offset,
Firstly, you should update the enable
for each feature, the default enable
will enable the
plugin when
found for github
repository and
found for gitlab
repository in your remote URLs. I'll give you an example for github
's issue:
git_centers = {
github = {
issue = {
enable = function()
-- Get the default enable result
local enable = require('blink-cmp-git.default.github')
local utils = require('blink-cmp-git.utils')
-- Place your enterprise's domain here
-- When using `find` without parameters, escape special characters using '%'.
-- Escape characters: ( ) . % + - * ? [ ^ $
-- `find(pattern, start_index, plain)`
-- `start_index = 1` starts searching from the first character.
-- `plain = true` ensures an exact match instead of a pattern match.
return enable or utils.get_repo_remote_url():find('', 1, true)
Then, you should see how to customize the APIs to customize the request domain.
By default, blink-cmp-git
will request those endpoints below:
Feature | API Endpoint |
github.issue |
repos/OWNER/REPO/issues |
github.pull_request |
repos/OWNER/REPO/pulls |
github.mention |
repos/OWNER/REPO/contributors |
github.mention.get_documentation |
users/USERNAME |
gitlab.issue |
projects/PROJECT_ID/issues |
gitlab.pull_request |
projects/PROJECT_ID/merge_requests |
gitlab.mention |
projects/PROJECT_ID/users |
gitlab.mention.get_documentation |
users/USERID |
You can see github rest API and gitlab rest API to know what the available parameters are.
I'll give you an example for github.issue
to customize per_page
and sort
git_centers = {
github = {
issue = {
get_command_args = function(command, token)
-- Get the default args
local args = require('blink-cmp-git.default.github')
.get_command_args(command, token)
local utils = require('blink-cmp-git.utils')
-- The last element is the API endpoint, customize it
if command == 'curl' then
-- You can update the `` to your enterprise's domain
args[#args] = '' ..
-- NOTE:
-- for `gitlab` users, you should use `utils.get_repo_owner_and_repo(true)`
utils.get_repo_owner_and_repo() ..
args[#args] = 'repos/' ..
-- NOTE:
-- for `gitlab` users, you should use `utils.get_repo_owner_and_repo(true)`
utils.get_repo_owner_and_repo() ..
-- use those below to customize the enterprise's domain
-- table.insert(args, '--hostname')
-- table.insert(args, '')
return args
For github
, the per_page
has a maximum of 100
See github-discussion-comment.
By default, blink-cmp-git
will reload the cache when the result of get_cwd
is changed to
another repository.
The default get_cwd
is vim.fn.getcwd
. If you want to reload the cache
when opening a file from a different repository, you just need to update the get_cwd
For example:
get_cwd = function()
-- return the directory of the current file
return vim.fn.expand('%:p:h')
Once async
is enabled, the completion will has no effect to your other operations.
How long it will take to show results depends on the network speed and the response time
of the git center. But, don't worries, once you enable use_items_cache
, the items will be
cached when you first trigger the completion by inputting @
, #
, or :
(You can DIY the triggers). Furthermore, once you enable use_items_pre_cache
, when the
source is created, it will pre-cache all the items. For the documentation of mention
it will be cached when you hover on one item.
The release versions are something like major.minor.patch
. When one of these numbers is increased:
: bugs are fixed or docs are added. This will not break the compatibility.minor
: compatible features are added. This may cause some configurationsdeprecated
, but not break the compatibility.major
: incompatible features are added. All thedeprecated
configurations will be removed. This will break the compatibility.
Nice and fast completion plugin: blink.cmp.
Inspired by cmp-git.