This repository contains codes, raw data and parameter files that used to reproduce the results in "A coarse-grained model of disordered RNA for simulations of biomolecular condensates by Yasuda, I., von Bülow, S., Tesei, G., Yamamoto E., Yasuoka K. & Lindorff-Larsen, K. (2024)".
Codes and installation guide to run CALVADOS 2-RNA simulation as implemented in this work.analysis/
Scrtipts to run analysisall-atom/
All-atom structures of UCAAUC from [Bergonzo ,C., Grishaev, A., Bottaro, S., RNA, 28, 937–946 (2022)], and HCG_models from [Pietrek, L. M., Stelzl, L. S., Hummer, G., J. Chem. Theory Comput., 20, 2246–2260 (2024).]single-chain/
Input files into calvados for single chain simulations of polyR30flory_exponent/
Input files to run single chain simulations of polyR10-100400-chain/
Input files into calvados for 400-chain simulations of polyR30FUSRGG3/
Input files into calvados for FUSRGG simulations of polyR40FUSRGG3-1bead
Input files into calvados (CALVADOS package version) for FUSRGG simulations of polyR40 using one-bead-per-nucleotide model.MED1/
Input files into calvados for MED1 simulations of polyR40viewer1.ipynb
Jupyter Notebook to produce plots for the paper figures (Figure 2).viewer2.ipynb
Jupyter Notebook to produce plots for the paper figures (Figures 3 and 4).data/
Files to generarte figures
Simulations can be run using
cd {name}/{temperature}/
Continuing simulation can be run in the same directory of previous simulation,
### CALVADOS package information
This two-bead-per-nucleotide model is implemented in CALVADOS package.