Building and visualizing the Huffman Tree using Huffman-Coding Algorithm:
- Encoding original file into binary file which compresses the size of it.
- Decoding the binary file into original file which is lossless data decompression.
- Visualizing the Huffman tree using graphviz software tool.
# Check whether python installed:
$ python --version
# Check whether pip installed:
$ python -m pip --version
# If above all installed:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# Try upgrading pip, if pip is outdated:
$ pip install --upgrade pip
# Firstly, you need to generate frequency file for determining number of characters in a file, and determining format of input.
# <text> can only be .txt file or any text/sentence you want to write
$ python3 -generate <text>
# Then, you can build a tree with -buildtree command and frequency file which is generated from the first command
$ python3 -buildtree frequency.txt
# After building a tree, we have tree.dat (characters, frequencies, bitcode values generated from Huffman Coding Algorithm)
# bitcodes.dat (characters and bitcode values that we will use for encoding), visualize.dat(tree nodes that we will use for visualization)
# Now, you can visualize the Tree with bitcodes.dat and visualize.dat that generated from -buildtree command
$ python3 -visualize bitcodes.dat visualize.dat
# Ouput will have two files one is .dot file which is the code for Huffman Tree and .pdf file for viewing the visualization
# Note that the leaf nodes are in this format ['<character>', <frequency>]/<bitcode value>, other nodes are just frequencies and sums of frequencies.
# This command will encode text or file and output binary file which will be compressed (You can compare the size of original and binary files)
# You can see <original-text> file in the output of -generate command (This differs because user can either enter file or text into command line)
$ python3 -encode <original-text> bitcodes.dat
# Ouput will be binary file <encoded-text.bin>
# If you want to decode binary file into original file
# -decode command takes binary file, so you have to encode file first!
$ python3 -decode bitcodes.dat encoded-text.bin
# Ouput will be original file <decoded-text.txt>
Huffman Coding (
Graphviz Visualization Software (