Analyzing the given dataset to extract valuable insights and provide actionable recommendations.
#Key Features:
1)Import the dataset and do usual exploratory analysis steps like checking the structure & characteristics of the dataset:
- Data type of all columns in the "customers" table.
- Get the time range between which the orders were placed.
- Count the Cities & States of customers who ordered during the given period.
2)In-depth Exploration:
- Is there a growing trend in the no. of orders placed over the past years?
- Can we see some kind of monthly seasonality in terms of the no. of orders being placed?
- During what time of the day, do the Brazilian customers mostly place their orders? (Dawn, Morning, Afternoon or Night)
0-6 hrs : Dawn
7-12 hrs : Mornings
13-18 hrs : Afternoon
19-23 hrs : Night
3)Evolution of E-commerce orders in the Brazil region:
- Get the month on month no. of orders placed in each state.
- How are the customers distributed across all the states?
4)Impact on Economy: Analyze the money movement by e-commerce by looking at order prices, freight and others.
- Get the % increase in the cost of orders from year 2017 to 2018 (include months between Jan to Aug only).
- You can use the "payment_value" column in the payments table to get the cost of orders.
- Calculate the Total & Average value of order price for each state.
- Calculate the Total & Average value of order freight for each state.
5)Analysis based on sales, freight and delivery time.
- Find the no. of days taken to deliver each order from the order’s purchase date as delivery time.
- Also, calculate the difference (in days) between the estimated & actual delivery date of an order.
- You can calculate the delivery time and the difference between the estimated & actual delivery date using the given
time_to_deliver = order_delivered_customer_date - order_purchase_timestamp
diff_estimated_delivery = order_delivered_customer_date - order_estimated_delivery_date
- Find out the top 5 states with the highest & lowest average freight value.
- Find out the top 5 states with the highest & lowest average delivery time.
-Find out the top 5 states where the order delivery is really fast as compared to the estimated date of delivery.
You can use the difference between the averages of actual & estimated delivery date to figure out how fast the
delivery was for each state.
6)Analysis based on the payments:
- Find the month on month no. of orders placed using different payment types.
- Find the no. of orders placed on the basis of the payment installments that have been paid.