A modern, TypeScript-powered personal blog built with Next.js 14 and Markdown support.
This blog is part of the @ying-web
ecosystem, built with Next.js 14 and TypeScript. It provides a clean and elegant interface for sharing personal thoughts, technical articles, and life experiences.
- ⚛️ React 18 - Modern UI development
- 📘 TypeScript - Type-safe development
- 🔄 Next.js 14 - React framework for production
- 🎨 Tailwind CSS - Utility-first CSS
- 🌙 next-themes - Dark mode support
- 📝 React Markdown - Markdown rendering
- 📡 RSS - Feed support
- 🔍 SEO Optimized - Better search visibility
- Node.js >= 18.16.0
- PNPM: 8.15.8 or 9.14.2
- Install dependencies:
pnpm install
- Configure environment:
# Copy environment file
cp .env.example .env
# Configure your environment variables
NEXT_PUBLIC_BLOG_ID="" # Blog ID from wisp.blog
NEXT_PUBLIC_BLOG_DISPLAY_NAME="" # Display name for the blog
NEXT_PUBLIC_BLOG_COPYRIGHT="" # Copyright information
NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL="" # Base URL for the blog
- Start development server:
# Start with hot reload (port 8081)
pnpm dev
# Run linting
pnpm lint
# Run linting for all files
pnpm lint:all
# Run style linting
pnpm stylelint
# Run style linting with auto-fix
pnpm stylelint:fix
This project is optimized for Vercel deployment.
Connect your GitHub repository to Vercel
Configure the following settings:
- Framework Preset:
- Build Command:
pnpm build
- Output Directory:
- Install Command:
pnpm install
- Framework Preset:
Add environment variables in Vercel project settings:
- Deploy! Vercel will automatically handle the build and deployment process.
Current deployment: https://diary.krissarea.com
- Build for production:
# Build the application
pnpm build
# Start production server
pnpm start
├── src/ # Source code
│ ├── app/ # Next.js app directory
│ │ ├── blog/ # Blog post pages
│ │ ├── api/ # API routes
│ │ └── rss/ # RSS feed generation
│ ├── components/ # Reusable components
│ ├── hooks/ # Custom React hooks
│ ├── lib/ # Utility functions
│ ├── styles/ # Global styles
│ └── types/ # TypeScript types
├── public/ # Static files
└── content/ # Blog content
Required variables in .env
# Blog Configuration
NEXT_PUBLIC_BLOG_ID="" # Blog ID from wisp.blog
NEXT_PUBLIC_BLOG_DISPLAY_NAME="" # Display name for the blog
NEXT_PUBLIC_BLOG_COPYRIGHT="" # Copyright information
NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL="" # Base URL for the blog
MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Made with ❤️ by the @ying-web