JPPol shared safeframes implementation
Based on
Upload the safeframe folder of this project to an external address eg. //
Include jppolhost.min.js in page Creates an object called jppolAdOps, with the following exposed elements
- function
The initialize function takes an object as argument, with safeframeURL and adtechNetworkId as mandatory settings
Initialize function
var sfOptions = {
safeframeURL: '//', // [Path from setup](#safeframe-side)
adtechNetworkId: '123'
- Mandatory [string]
Set the URL of were the safeframe HTML file is placed
setup example
var sfOptions = {
safeframeURL: '//' // [Path from setup](#safeframe-side)
- Mandatory [string / object]
Set the ADTECH network id, can be passed as an object to differentiate between network ids based on device type
String setup example
var sfOptions = {
adtechNetworkId: '123'
Device Object setup example
var sfOptions = {
adtechNetworkId: {
desktop: '123',
smartphone: '123.0',
tablet: '123'
- Optional [string / object]
- default: '//'
Set the base banner url, from which the final banner script src will be build, can be passed as an object to differentiate between network ids based on device type
String setup example
var sfOptions = {
baseBannerSrc: '//'
Device Object setup example
var sfOptions = {
adtechNetworkId: {
desktop: '123',
smartphone: '123.0',
tablet: '123'
- Optional [string]
- default: 'desktop'
Set current device type, used to differentiate adtechNetworkId and baseBannerSrc
Setup example
var sfOptions = {
device: 'desktop'
- Optional [function]
See also: Callbacks
Set the function which should be called when the safeframe is triggering onPosMsg An object[example shown below] is passed as argument to the callback function containing 4
Argument example
var messageObject = {
'placement': 'string', // string
'type': 'string', // ['msg'/'error']
'content': 'string', // safeframes doesnt support other types at the moment
'nuked': nuked
Init setup example
var sfOptions = {
onPosMsg: handleCallBack
- Optional [boolean]
- default: false
Should be set to true if wallpaper is an option on the page, usually only for desktop devices
var sfOptions = {
wallpaperHandler: true
- Optional [string]
Can be body or regular CSS selector / ID
var sfOptions = {
wallpaperSelector: 'adtechWallpaper'
- Optional [Array / string]
Name of positions of which to check for wallpaper.
var sfOptions = {
wallpaperPositions: ['wallpaper','monster']
- Optional [boolean]
- default: true
Mainly for debugging purposes
var sfOptions = {
allowNuke: true
- Optional [boolean]
- default: false (will be set to true, if fulldebug is true)
For debugging purposes Log statements from jppol-safeframes is prefixed with jppol-safeframes, followed by either filename or "inside safeframe"
setup example
var sfOptions = {
debug: false
output example
jppol-safeframes: jppolhost.js safeframe posMsg followleft msg safeframeloaded|w160|h604
- Optional [boolean]
- default: false
For debugging purposes BEWARE: This will add debug information directly into the banner container
var sfOptions = {
fulldebug: false
To call a specific banner call setupFinalPos with position data
- function
Takes an object with all the data needed to create the correct banner
var positionData = {
placement: 'monster',
bannerID: '4040617',
type: '277',
sfWidth: 930,
sfHeight: 180,
sfZIndex: 1,
shared_data: {
elementPos: document.getElementById(destID).getBoundingClientRect()
- Mandatory [string]
placement id / name for banner
var positionData = {
placement: 'monster'
- Mandatory [string]
ADTECH placement ID or alias for banner
var positionData = {
bannerID: '4040617'
- Mandatory [string]
ADTECH placement type / sizeid
var positionData = {
type: '277'
- Mandatory [string]
ID of element to serve banner in
var positionData = {
destID: 'monster_trgt'
- Mandatory
- sfWidth [number]
- sfHeight [number]
- sfZIndex [number]
Set the width, height and z-index of the safeframe
var positionData = {
sfWidth: 930,
sfHeight: 180,
sfZIndex: 1
- optional [array]
Key values to be added to banner called besides criteo, adform and rubicon key values Could be prebid key values
var positionData = {
keyValues: ['prebidwhatever=1']
- Optional [object]
Pass shared data to the safeframe, this data is open to every banner to use
var positionData = {
shared_data: {
elementPos_top: document.getElementById(destID).getBoundingClientRect().top
- Optional [object]
var privateDataOptions = {
key: 'privateKeyForSF',
private_data1: 'Private data',
private_data2: {
more_data: 'More private data'
Handling special banner formats, like wallpaper, skyskraper(follow) etc.
At the moment safeframes only support strings to be sent from inside the safeframe
When the banner is loaded the safeframe sends the a message with the content "safeframeloaded"
Since the safeframe API doesnt support objects in messaging, additional data is appended with a pipe [|] If a prebid placeholder is present the prebid type will be appended, otherwise the width and height dimensions will be appended. See example implementation from safeframe below
if (sf_align.querySelector('.prebidPlaceholder') !== null) {
loadedMessage += '|prebid'
} else if (sf_align.querySelector('.prebidPlaceholder_xhb') !== null) {
loadedMessage += '|prebid_xhb'
} else {
loadedMessage += '|w' + sf_align.clientWidth + '|h' + sf_align.clientHeight