You've made an important decision. Now, let's get to the matter.
We have a message for you. But we hid it. Unless you know the secret phrase, it will remain hidden.
Can you write the algorithm to find it?
Here is a couple of important hints to help you out:
- An anagram of the phrase is: "poultry outwits ants"
- There are three levels of difficulty to try your skills with
- The MD5 hash of the easiest secret phrase is "e4820b45d2277f3844eac66c903e84be"
- The MD5 hash of the more difficult secret phrase is "23170acc097c24edb98fc5488ab033fe"
- The MD5 hash of the hard secret phrase is "665e5bcb0c20062fe8abaaf4628bb154"
- Here is a list of english words, it should help you out.
Trustpilot Development Team. We imagine that right now, you're feeling a bit like Alice. Hmm? Tumbling down the rabbit hole?
- Solves easy and medium in about 0.4 sec. (I5-8250U 8GB)
- Solves hard in about 4 mins. (I5-8250U 8GB)
- clean up code mess/redundancy
- optimize using permutation logic
- cudafy