FFTW v1.6.0
Closed issues:
- FFTW could not create plan for
fft(n × m × 1 array, 2)
(#142) - why mkl can not get fft(x,1)? (#237)
- I didn't ask for plan_bfft, but got MethodError: no method matching plan_bfft(::Vector{Number}, ::UnitRange{Int64}) (#244)
- FFTW.fft() fails to calculate spectrum (#250)
- MKL: FFTW could not create plan (#252)
Merged pull requests:
- Create Invalidations.yml (#251) (@ranocha)
- Improve type inference in
(#253) (@jishnub) - inference + allocation in
(#254) (@jishnub) - remove test_broken on master (#257) (@jishnub)
- improve type inference in DCTPlan (#259) (@jishnub)
- Update GitHub Actions setup and move to Cirrus for other platforms (#262) (@giordano)
- Bump version to v1.5.1 (#263) (@jishnub)
- bump to 1.6 since new type params were added (#264) (@stevengj)