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Fixes in evaluate and pow (#369)
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* Fixes in evaluate, and rename one method evaluate! -> _evaluate!

* Add function barrier _pow

* Fixes in pow!

* Fixes in _pow for Interval coeffs, and tests

* More fixes

* Metaprogramming and fixes in

for integer power, pow! uses power_by_squaring, is defined for TaylorN, or when coeffs are intervals

* Further minor fixes

* Another minor fix

* Bump patch version
  • Loading branch information
lbenet authored Jan 23, 2025
1 parent aa788e2 commit 84a007f
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Showing 6 changed files with 254 additions and 310 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "TaylorSeries"
uuid = "6aa5eb33-94cf-58f4-a9d0-e4b2c4fc25ea"
repo = ""
version = "0.18.2"
version = "0.18.3"

LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
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123 changes: 66 additions & 57 deletions ext/TaylorSeriesIAExt.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,75 +8,84 @@ import TaylorSeries: evaluate, _evaluate, normalize_taylor, square

isdefined(Base, :get_extension) ? (using IntervalArithmetic) : (using ..IntervalArithmetic)

# Method used for Taylor1{Interval{T}}^n
for T in (:Taylor1, :TaylorN)
@eval begin
function ^(a::$T{Interval{S}}, n::Integer) where {S<:Real}
n == 0 && return one(a)
n == 1 && return copy(a)
n == 2 && return square(a)
n < 0 && return a^float(n)
return power_by_squaring(a, n)
@eval ^(a::$T{Interval{T}}, n::Integer) where {T<:Real} = TS.power_by_squaring(a, n)

@eval ^(a::$T{Interval{T}}, r::Rational) where {T<:Real} = a^float(r)

@eval function ^(a::$T{Interval{T}}, r::S) where {T<:Real, S<:Real}
isinteger(r) && r 0 && return TS.power_by_squaring(a, Integer(r))
a0 = constant_term(a) Interval(zero(T), T(Inf))
@assert !isempty(a0)
aux = one(a0^r)
a[0] = aux * a0
r == 0.5 && return sqrt(a)
if $T == TaylorN
if iszero(a0)
"""The 0-th order TaylorN coefficient must be non-zero
in order to expand `^` around 0."""))
return TS._pow(a, r)
^(a::$T{Interval{S}}, r::Rational) where {S<:Real} = a^float(r)

function ^(a::Taylor1{Interval{T}}, r::S) where {T<:Real, S<:Real}
a0 = constant_term(a) Interval(zero(T), T(Inf))
aux = one(a0)^r

iszero(r) && return Taylor1(aux, a.order)
aa = one(aux) * a
aa[0] = one(aux) * a0
r == 1 && return aa
r == 2 && return square(aa)
r == 1/2 && return sqrt(aa)

l0 = findfirst(a)
lnull = trunc(Int, r*l0 )
if (a.order-lnull < 0) || (lnull > a.order)
return Taylor1( zero(aux), a.order)
c_order = l0 == 0 ? a.order : min(a.order, trunc(Int,r*a.order))
c = Taylor1(zero(aux), c_order)
for k = 0:c_order
TS.pow!(c, aa, c, r, k)
# _pow
function TS._pow(a::$T{Interval{S}}, n::Integer) where {S<:Real}
n < 0 && return TS._pow(a, float(n))
return TS.power_by_squaring(a, n)

return c
function ^(a::TaylorN{Interval{T}}, r::S) where {T<:Real, S<:Real}
a0 = constant_term(a) Interval(zero(T), T(Inf))
a0r = a0^r
aux = one(a0r)

iszero(r) && return TaylorN(aux, a.order)
aa = aux * a
aa[0] = aux * a0
r == 1 && return aa
r == 2 && return square(aa)
r == 1/2 && return sqrt(aa)
isinteger(r) && return aa^round(Int,r)

# @assert !iszero(a0)
iszero(a0) && throw(DomainError(a,
"""The 0-th order TaylorN coefficient must be non-zero
in order to expand `^` around 0."""))

c = TaylorN( a0r, a.order)
for ord in 1:a.order
TS.pow!(c, aa, c, r, ord)
function TS._pow(a::$T{Interval{T}}, r::S) where {T<:Real, S<:Real}
isinteger(r) && r 0 && return TS.power_by_squaring(a, Integer(r))
a0 = constant_term(a) Interval(zero(T), T(Inf))
@assert !isempty(a0)
aux = one(a0^r)
a[0] = aux * a0
r == 0.5 && return sqrt(a)
if $T == Taylor1
l0 = findfirst(a)
# Index of first non-zero coefficient of the result; must be integer
!isinteger(r*l0) && throw(DomainError(a,
"""The 0-th order Taylor1 coefficient must be non-zero
to raise the Taylor1 polynomial to a non-integer exponent."""))
lnull = trunc(Int, r*l0 )
(lnull > a.order) && return $T( zero(aux), a.order)
c_order = l0 == 0 ? a.order : min(a.order, trunc(Int, r*a.order))
if iszero(a0)
"""The 0-th order TaylorN coefficient must be non-zero
in order to expand `^` around 0."""))
c_order = a.order
c = $T(zero(aux), c_order)
aux0 = zero(c)
for k in eachindex(c)
TS.pow!(c, a, aux0, r, k)
return c

return c
function TS.pow!(res::$T{Interval{T}}, a::$T{Interval{T}}, aux::$T{Interval{T}},
r::S, k::Int) where {T<:Real, S<:Integer}
(r == 0) && return!(res, a, k)
(r == 1) && return TS.identity!(res, a, k)
(r == 2) && return TS.sqr!(res, a, k)
TS.power_by_squaring!(res, a, aux, r)
return nothing

for T in (:Taylor1, :TaylorN)
@eval function log(a::$T{Interval{S}}) where {S<:Real}
iszero(constant_term(a)) && throw(DomainError(a,
"""The 0-th order coefficient must be non-zero in order to expand `log` around 0."""))
"""The 0-th order coefficient must be non-zero in order to expand `log` around 0."""))
a0 = constant_term(a) Interval(S(0.0), S(Inf))
order = a.order
aux = log(a0)
Expand Down
107 changes: 48 additions & 59 deletions src/evaluate.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -254,39 +254,32 @@ Note that the syntax `a(vals)` is equivalent to
`evaluate(a)`; use a(b::Bool, x) corresponds to
evaluate(a, x, sorting=b).
function evaluate(a::TaylorN, vals::NTuple{N,<:Number};
sorting::Bool=true) where {N}
function evaluate(a::TaylorN, vals::NTuple{N,<:Number}; sorting::Bool=true) where {N}
@assert get_numvars() == N
return _evaluate(a, vals, Val(sorting))

function evaluate(a::TaylorN, vals::NTuple{N,<:AbstractSeries};
sorting::Bool=false) where {N}
function evaluate(a::TaylorN, vals::NTuple{N,<:AbstractSeries}; sorting::Bool=false) where {N}
@assert get_numvars() == N
return _evaluate(a, vals, Val(sorting))

evaluate(a::TaylorN{T}, vals::AbstractVector{<:Number};
sorting::Bool=true) where {T<:NumberNotSeries} =
evaluate(a, (vals...,); sorting=sorting)
sorting::Bool=true) where {T<:NumberNotSeries} = evaluate(a, (vals...,); sorting=sorting)

evaluate(a::TaylorN{T}, vals::AbstractVector{<:AbstractSeries};
sorting::Bool=false) where {T<:NumberNotSeries} =
evaluate(a, (vals...,); sorting=sorting)
sorting::Bool=false) where {T<:NumberNotSeries} = evaluate(a, (vals...,); sorting=sorting)

evaluate(a::TaylorN{Taylor1{T}}, vals::AbstractVector{S};
sorting::Bool=false) where {T, S} =
evaluate(a, (vals...,); sorting=sorting)
sorting::Bool=false) where {T, S} = evaluate(a, (vals...,); sorting=sorting)

function evaluate(a::TaylorN{T}, s::Symbol, val::S) where
{T<:Number, S<:NumberNotSeriesN}
function evaluate(a::TaylorN{T}, s::Symbol, val::S) where {T<:Number, S<:NumberNotSeriesN}
ind = lookupvar(s)
@assert (1 ind get_numvars()) "Symbol is not a TaylorN variable; see `get_variable_names()`"
return evaluate(a, ind, val)

function evaluate(a::TaylorN{T}, ind::Int, val::S) where
{T<:Number, S<:NumberNotSeriesN}
function evaluate(a::TaylorN{T}, ind::Int, val::S) where {T<:Number, S<:NumberNotSeriesN}
@assert (1 ind get_numvars()) "Invalid `ind`; it must be between 1 and `get_numvars()`"
R = promote_type(T,S)
return _evaluate(convert(TaylorN{R}, a), ind, convert(R, val))
Expand All @@ -305,8 +298,7 @@ function evaluate(a::TaylorN{T}, ind::Int, val::TaylorN) where {T<:Number}
return _evaluate(a, ind, val)

evaluate(a::TaylorN{T}, x::Pair{Symbol,S}) where {T, S} =
evaluate(a, first(x), last(x))
evaluate(a::TaylorN{T}, x::Pair{Symbol,S}) where {T, S} = evaluate(a, first(x), last(x))

evaluate(a::TaylorN{T}) where {T<:Number} = constant_term(a)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -338,14 +330,6 @@ function _evaluate(a::TaylorN{T}, vals::NTuple{N,<:Number}) where {N,T<:Number}
return suma

function _evaluate!(res::Vector{TaylorN{T}}, a::TaylorN{T}, vals::NTuple{N,<:TaylorN},
valscache::Vector{TaylorN{T}}, aux::TaylorN{T}) where {N,T<:Number}
@inbounds for homPol in eachindex(a)
_evaluate!(res[homPol+1], a[homPol], vals, valscache, aux)
return nothing

function _evaluate(a::TaylorN{T}, vals::NTuple{N,<:TaylorN}) where {N,T<:Number}
R = promote_type(T, TS.numtype(vals[1]))
suma = [TaylorN(zero(R), vals[1].order) for _ in eachindex(a)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -375,27 +359,37 @@ function _evaluate(a::TaylorN{T}, ind::Int, val::TaylorN{T}) where {T<:NumberNot
return suma

function _evaluate!(res::Vector{TaylorN{T}}, a::TaylorN{T}, vals::NTuple{N,<:TaylorN},
valscache::Vector{TaylorN{T}}, aux::TaylorN{T}) where {N,T<:Number}
@inbounds for homPol in eachindex(a)
_evaluate!(res[homPol+1], a[homPol], vals, valscache, aux)
return nothing

function _evaluate!(suma::TaylorN{T}, a::HomogeneousPolynomial{T}, ind::Int, val::T) where
order = a.order
orderTN = get_order()
if order == 0
suma[0] = a[1]*one(val)
suma[0][1] = a[1]*one(val)
return nothing
vv = val .^ (0:order)
# ct = @isonethread coeff_table[order+1]
ct = deepcopy(coeff_table[order+1])
vct = zero(coeff_table[order+1][1])
zct = zero(coeff_table[order+1][1])
for (i, a_coeff) in enumerate(a.coeffs)
iszero(a_coeff) && continue
if ct[i][ind] == 0
vpow = coeff_table[order+1][i][ind]
if vpow == 0
suma[order][i] += a_coeff
vpow = ct[i][ind]
vct .= coeff_table[order+1][i]
zct[ind] = vpow
red_order = order - vpow
ct[i][ind] -= vpow
kdic = in_base(get_order(), ct[i])
ct[i][ind] += vpow
kdic = in_base(orderTN, vct - zct)
zct[ind] = 0
pos = pos_table[red_order+1][kdic]
suma[red_order][pos] += a_coeff * vv[vpow+1]
Expand All @@ -406,32 +400,33 @@ function _evaluate!(suma::TaylorN{T}, a::HomogeneousPolynomial{T}, ind::Int,
val::TaylorN{T}, aux::TaylorN{T}) where {T<:NumberNotSeriesN}
order = a.order
if order == 0
suma[0] = a[1]
suma[0][1] = a[1]
return nothing
vv = zero(suma)
ct = coeff_table[order+1]
vvaux = zero(vv)
za = zero(a)
for (i, a_coeff) in enumerate(a.coeffs)
iszero(a_coeff) && continue
if ct[i][ind] == 0
vpow = coeff_table[order+1][i][ind]
if vpow == 0
suma[order][i] += a_coeff
za[i] = a_coeff
_evaluate!(aux, za, ind, one(T))
za[i] = zero(T)
vpow = ct[i][ind]
# vv = val ^ vpow
if constant_term(val) == 0
vv = val ^ vpow
power_by_squaring!(vv, val, vvaux, vpow)
for ordQ in eachindex(val)
zero!(vv, ordQ)
pow!(vv, val, vv, vpow, ordQ)
pow!(vv, val, vvaux, vpow, ordQ)
za[i] = a_coeff
_evaluate!(aux, za, ind, one(T))
za[i] = zero(a_coeff)
for ordQ in eachindex(suma)
mul!(suma, vv, aux, ordQ)
Expand All @@ -456,7 +451,7 @@ evaluate(A::AbstractArray{TaylorN{T}}) where {T<:Number} = evaluate.(A)
#function-like behavior for TaylorN
(p::TaylorN)(x) = evaluate(p, x)
(p::TaylorN)() = evaluate(p)
(p::TaylorN)(s::S, x) where {S<:Union{Symbol, Int}}= evaluate(p, s, x)
(p::TaylorN)(s::S, x) where {S<:Union{Symbol, Int}} = evaluate(p, s, x)
(p::TaylorN)(x::Pair) = evaluate(p, first(x), last(x))
(p::TaylorN)(x, v::Vararg{T}) where {T} = evaluate(p, (x, v...,))
(p::TaylorN)(b::Bool, x) = evaluate(p, x, sorting=b)
Expand All @@ -470,39 +465,33 @@ evaluate(A::AbstractArray{TaylorN{T}}) where {T<:Number} = evaluate.(A)

evaluate!(x, δt, x0)
evaluate!(x, δt, dest)
Evaluates each element of `x::AbstractArray{Taylor1{T}}`,
representing the Taylor expansion for the dependent variables
of an ODE at *time* `δt`. It updates the vector `x0` with the
of an ODE at *time* `δt`. It updates the vector `dest` with the
computed values.
function evaluate!(x::AbstractArray{Taylor1{T}}, δt::S,
x0::AbstractArray{T}) where {T<:Number, S<:Number}
x0 .= evaluate.( x, δt )
dest::AbstractArray{T}) where {T<:Number, S<:Number}
dest .= evaluate.( x, δt )
return nothing
# function evaluate!(x::AbstractArray{Taylor1{Taylor1{T}}}, δt::Taylor1{T},
# x0::AbstractArray{Taylor1{T}}) where {T<:Number}
# x0 .= evaluate.( x, Ref(δt) )
# # x0 .= evaluate.( x, δt )
# return nothing
# end

## In place evaluation of multivariable arrays
function evaluate!(x::AbstractArray{TaylorN{T}}, δx::Array{T,1},
x0::AbstractArray{T}) where {T<:Number}
x0 .= evaluate.( x, Ref(δx) )
dest::AbstractArray{T}) where {T<:Number}
dest .= evaluate.( x, Ref(δx) )
return nothing

function evaluate!(x::AbstractArray{TaylorN{T}}, δx::Array{TaylorN{T},1},
x0::AbstractArray{TaylorN{T}}; sorting::Bool=true) where {T<:NumberNotSeriesN}
x0 .= evaluate.( x, Ref(δx), sorting = sorting)
dest::AbstractArray{TaylorN{T}}; sorting::Bool=true) where {T<:NumberNotSeriesN}
dest .= evaluate.( x, Ref(δx), sorting = sorting)
return nothing

function evaluate!(a::TaylorN{T}, vals::NTuple{N,TaylorN{T}}, dest::TaylorN{T},
function _evaluate!(a::TaylorN{T}, vals::NTuple{N,TaylorN{T}}, dest::TaylorN{T},
valscache::Vector{TaylorN{T}}, aux::TaylorN{T}) where {N,T<:Number}
@inbounds for homPol in eachindex(a)
_evaluate!(dest, a[homPol], vals, valscache, aux)
Expand All @@ -518,7 +507,7 @@ function evaluate!(a::AbstractArray{TaylorN{T}}, vals::NTuple{N,TaylorN{T}},
# loop over elements of `a`
for i in eachindex(a)
(!iszero(dest[i])) && zero!(dest[i])
evaluate!(a[i], vals, dest[i], valscache, aux)
_evaluate!(a[i], vals, dest[i], valscache, aux)
return nothing
Expand Down

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