Releases: JuliaControl/ControlSystems.jl
Releases · JuliaControl/ControlSystems.jl
ControlSystems v1.6.0
Merged pull requests:
- RootLocusResult recipe (#792) (@mzaffalon)
- add analysis examples to the docs (#793) (@baggepinnen)
ControlSystems v1.5.4
Closed issues:
- Improved default frequency vector for frequency plots (#5)
- gain is not working (#15)
- Transfer function notation in gangoffour and in general (#78)
- Implement zpk with specified user dcgain (#105)
- Improve efficiency of freqresp for state space systems (#108)
- Deprecate function pole and rename to poles (#117)
- Promoting the ControlSystems package (#201)
- Integration with ModelingToolkit.jl (#395)
- Test error on 1.6 beta (#423)
- Docs not updated by new release (#459)
- rlocusplot shows a very long warning with Plots (#785)
- bodeplot not showing plot after 10^2 (#787)
Merged pull requests:
- add option to disable u dims check in lsim (#786) (@baggepinnen)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Hungarian to 0.7, (keep existing compat) (#788) (@github-actions[bot])
- extended_gangoffour sign fix (#789) (@baggepinnen)
- better default time vector heuristic (#790) (@baggepinnen)
ControlSystems v1.5.3
Closed issues:
- Stable docs not linking correctly? (#570)
Merged pull requests:
- make docs examples strict (#777) (@baggepinnen)
- Improve error message for wrong
dimension inlsim
(#778) (@baggepinnen) - even better error messages for wrong u in lsim (#779) (@baggepinnen)
- provide an error hint on plotting (#780) (@baggepinnen)
- fix
for systems with multiple gain crossings (#781) (@baggepinnen) - add methods to
are, lyap
taking system (#782) (@baggepinnen) - add
(#783) (@baggepinnen) - Fix links in README file. (#784) (@pietrop88)
ControlSystems v1.5.2
Closed issues:
- Lsim docstring update (#758)
- rlocus method (#764)
- lsim, error message for single input system (#767)
- lsim, error when input is a matrix (#769)
- Crating discreate delay system is not allowed as delay is continues (#773)
Merged pull requests:
- Notify user what vector/matrix size is expected for x0, u (#768) (@mzaffalon)
- Restrict size of input parameters (#770) (@mzaffalon)
- improve default limits for nyquistplot (#772) (@baggepinnen)
- add discrete-time delay constructor (#774) (@baggepinnen)
- Implement getpoles for a vector K passed as a parameter (#775) (@mzaffalon)
- try get stable docs to deploy (#776) (@baggepinnen)
ControlSystems v1.5.1
Closed issues:
- Split out OrdinaryDiffEq functionality (#738)
- rlocusplot() does not plot the roots (#759)
- Decade missing in bode plot (#765)
Merged pull requests:
- fix module imports (#749) (@baggepinnen)
- handle different paths on CI and locally (#750) (@baggepinnen)
- dev CSBase before building docs (#751) (@baggepinnen)
- Minor plot improvements (#752) (@baggepinnen)
- fix some linting warnings (#753) (@baggepinnen)
- add block diagrams with code to docs (#754) (@baggepinnen)
- don't load CS for tests of CSBase (#756) (@baggepinnen)
- Include zeros when calculating lims for rlocus (#760) (@baggepinnen)
- Add rlocus (#766) (@mzaffalon)
ControlSystems v1.5.0
This version introduces ControlSystemsBase.jl for faster load times. See README for more details.
Closed issues:
inconsistent docstring (#743)
Merged pull requests:
- fix unwrap dimension in bode (#742) (@baggepinnen)
- update rlocus docstring (#744) (@agerlach)
- add options and more docstring to
(#745) (@baggepinnen) - Split out most functionality into ControlSystemsBase (#746) (@baggepinnen)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for Reexport at version 1, (keep existing compat) (#747) (@github-actions[bot])
- Add error hint to lsim (#748) (@baggepinnen)
ControlSystems v1.4.1
Closed issues:
- Discontinuous Root Locus (#740)
Merged pull requests:
- add
option to gofplot (#737) (@baggepinnen) - remove direct dependency on Colors (#739) (@baggepinnen)
- Fix rlocus when poles cross in both real and imag (#741) (@baggepinnen)
ControlSystems v1.4.0
Merged pull requests:
- add
(#732) (@baggepinnen) - improve robustness in
(#733) (@baggepinnen) - Broadcasted multiplication bugfix (#734) (@baggepinnen)
- fix poles for static statespace (#735) (@baggepinnen)
- add filter options in loopshapingPID (#736) (@baggepinnen)
ControlSystems v1.3.0
Closed issues:
- ssdata not included in online docs (#730)
Merged pull requests:
- add functions that return signal names (#731) (@baggepinnen)
ControlSystems v1.2.3
Merged pull requests:
- Better handling of heterogeneous types in feedback (#729) (@baggepinnen)